Cards of Thanks


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Cards of Thanks
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 10) April 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
APRIL, 1937] THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE 19 Mr. F. J. Courtney, manager of the Insurance Depa.rtment of Marsman and Company, led the entire world's field force of underwriters for The Marnufaci'urer'.s Life Insurance Company of Canada for the month Of February. Mr. Courtney's name headed Division I of the Hono.r Roll of the Company which appeared in the "News Letter," monthlJJ hou.c;e organ, of March. Hongkong Tr·ansfer ·Office Is Now In Operation All legal formalities for opening a Dominion Register for Marsman Investments, Limited in Hongkong have been completed. Transfers may now be accepted for registration in Hongkong. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is registrar for Marsman Investments, Limited. This action, which was announced by Mr. Ohnick in April, will facilitate trading in Marsman Investment shares in the Far East, particularly in the Philippines, Hongkong, and Shanghai. Card of Thanks I wish to express my profound gratitude and deep appreciation to my superiors, officers, and co-workers of Marsman and Company who came so generously to my assistance when I suffered a great loss in the recent Tondo fire. RAMON R. SISON Clerk, Mine Accounting Marsman Hongkong China Meeting (Cont. from page 16) ·we are not alone in holding the view that China is on the eve of a brighter future ; nor alone in the view that, for a time at least, she stands in need of outside assistance in the solution of some of her immediate reconstruction problems. We know that we are well equipped technically, and well equipped for raising or providing money to enable us to off er useful assistance in the various works referred to in our Articles, works which are essential to the development of any country; and we combine with this a sincere desire to play a useful part in the movement for close Anglo-Chinese relations which has been recently widely referred to in both countries. At this juncture I would rather not refer in detail to our work generally in China, first because it is a little premature and second because it would not be in the best interests of the Company for me to do so. I can say however, that at present we are quite satisfied, indeed I might say gratified, with the results of our efforts in this connection. I invite questions on any matter arising from the report. If there are no questions, then I ask for a proposer and seconder to the adoption of the Statutory Report. Mr. Ohnick proposed the motion, which was seconded by Mr. Beckerleg and was carried unanimously.