Let's get acquainted


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Let's get acquainted
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 10) April 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
APRIL, 1937] THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE 25 Let's Get Acquainted The success of any business enterprise depends to a great extent upon financial control and economical management. Likewise, efficient management is only possible when the managers of a company know exactly where they stand, from time to time, as far as the financial department of the business is concerned. By means of a standardized system of mine accounting, Alfred F. Kelly, treasurer of Marsman and Company, of Marsman Investments, Ltd., and of the mining companies under Marsman management, has all of the figures relating to every company at his fi;nger tips. The same system is in use at each of the Marsman-managed properties, and is of inestimable help in checking on details of operation. Mr. Kelly has built up the accounting structure of the Marsman interests until it is now one of the best ever used by a mining concern. He joined the organization in November 1931, as Treasurer of Marsman and Company and M. P. Tranco in Baguio. As the activities of Mr. Marsman expanded, Mr. Kelly assumed more and more of the financial responsibility. A native of New York city, Mr. Kelly received his early education there. His first business experience was with the United Electric and Power Company of New York. He serv.eq in the United States Army during the World War as a first li~utenant of infantry, and had active duty in Fra.nce. Returning from Europe in 1919, Mr. Kelly entered the New York office of the Asia Banking Corporation. As an accountant for that firm he first came to the Philippines in 1921. He was connected with this bank until its liquidation in 1926. From 1926 until March, 1928, he served as secretarytreasurer of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Manila. He went to the United States in 1928, and on his return became secretarytreasurer of the El Oriente Cigar Company. During his connection with this company he travelled extensively between Singapore, Shanghai, and Manila. Mr. Kelly is well known in Baguio and Manila business circles. He is a member of several clubs and takes an active part in civic affairs of all kinds. He was married in 1923 to Miss Helen L. Shepherd, and they have one child, Alice.