Tinga Gold Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tinga Gold Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume I (No. 10) April 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
28 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [APRIL, 1937 TINGA GOLD MINING COMPANY During March the following development work was completed. In preparation for stoping operations above the No. 3 tunnel level, the raise from the No. 1 tunnel level was lined with 3-inch planks on the chute side. During the month stope preparation on the No. 1 tunnel level was in progress and an open raise was driven to a height of 32 feet above the rails of the No. 1 tunnel level. The No. 1 drift east on the No. 1 tunnel has been advanced to a distance of 40-112 feet east of the main crosscut. A diamond drill machine has been definitely assigned for use at Tinga upon completion of the hole it is now drilling. HOMESTAKE GOLD MINES, INC. During March an average working force of 51 men worked 27 days in connection with the various prospecting and exploration activities in progress. Several new outcrops were discovered and new jobs were started. The work progressed very well. A nipa house was built near the entrance to the dynamite bodega for a watchman. A camp site was cleared on a hillside near Job No. 14. The old tunnel at Job. No. 2 was turned into a dynamite bodega. Working conditions during March were very good ; there were no serious accidents or cases of illness. Mars man and Company, Inc. Insurance Department RP-pre1tenting The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Insurance Company of North America North China Insurance Company, Ltd. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of Canada Filipinas Life Assurance Company Crown Life Insurance Company of Canada Occidental Life Insurance Company of U.S.A. Asia Life Insurance 'Company