"To please a lady, use firestone tires!" [editorial]


Part of The Cross

"To please a lady, use firestone tires!" [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
" 'p. Ay Editorial TO PLEASE A LADY, USE FIRESTONE TIRES!” Whether or not our women hove lost their self-respect and sense of shome and dignity, I do hot presume to know. I know not women. Who does, onywoy? But if the signs of the times are to be believed, then I am afraid that the glorious womonhood wh:ch men did reverence in the past is gradually "going to the dogs". I cannot understand why our 'women — or women of other nations for that matter — have not risen strong and indignant to protest against the way advertisers use (or abuse!) womanhood to sell razor hlades, rubber tires, tooth paste, shaving cream or some such cheap ftufjf. Take o recent advertisement that hit the country's billboards and newspapers. It reod: “TO PLEASE A LADY, USE FIRESTONE TIRES!" During the days of chivolry when knighthood was in flower, we ore told khights with dashing courage ond in gleaming armor came from for and near and fought in colorful tournaments to win their lady love. Those Un the days when men and women knew the intrinsic and delicate dignity 'womanhood. Today, however, it appears that all a guy has to do to win his love is to dangle before her a 2/,-karat gold wa(ch, or show her iflashy convertible — USING FIRESTONE TIRES! of course — or fah. his teeth with kolynos, or shave with BARBASOL. And presto! p lady love slinks to his side. I om not telling our women to demand of their boy friends that they ■in gleoming armor like dashing Prince Valiants and King Arthurs. I do insist that if our women wont to regain the respect ond reverence to them, they must first of oil be convinced of their innate dignity ond THE CROSS reol worth, they must show thot they deserve respect and reverence, advertisers continue to cheapen and debase womanhood, it is because worm have, by their conspiracy of silence, cooperated in the task. If hell hath no fury like that of a woman enraged, then let ou women, conscious of their God-given dignity, raise such fury to figi the debasing of womanhood to the level of a mere lure and bait. Ort of the greatest forces for the betterment of mankind in dll ages ht always been that glorious womanhood which men could and did reveence. Let such womanhood reign supreme over our land and y build the nation strong and undying! In an editorial in our Oeceml &■ AND NOW-—S. P. LOPEZ issue we pointed out how the Phil pine Diplomat, Carlos P. Romu "repented" of his grievous blun ter of adopting an appeasement attitude towards Soviet Russia. Since tl we have had our eyes on his trusted aide, Salvador P. Lopez, watching, or the moment when he too, like his boss, would retrace his steps. Now it is reported that Salvador P. Lopez has called on n United Nations collective measures committee to show “daring i initiative” in its work. Lopez spoke at the second meeting of he committee which was set up by the U. N. General Assembly to st.'dtf methods of meeting aggression anywhere in the world. Whot a far cry this is from SP's appeasement attitude a year <• p. Remember the time he spoke before the Manila Lions Club at Manila H >tel and said: ". . .the root of the present conflict lies in the failure of ei?uside to regard with generous consideration the point of view of the other '? Remember the time he spoke before the Baguio cadets and deciaredr A war can only be prevented by the self-restraint of the two powers (Ru's* and U.S.) themselves!" And now — SP Lopez would ask for “daring and initiative” ir meeting aggression anywhere in the world! Thank God our big men in the UN are beginning to realize after tragic blunders that the Russian juggernaut can not be melted y/ith the honeyed words of sweet-faced diplomats. Thank God our big Hrex are beginning to stand for truth and justice and peace. But while we welcome Solvador P. Lopez into the fold of honest cnc straight thinking men, we can not help but think of the million lives wo'/ec and sacrificed in the world's battle fronts because a few honorable men/lil him failed the world and humanity at a time of crisis and refused to stand for truth and justice and peace. Let us hope that Salvador P. Lopez remotu. in the realm of clear and honest thinking.