The "Liberal" Catholic [editorial]


Part of The Cross

The "Liberal" Catholic [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE CROSS Then comes the Dean’s message. Completely in the same vein. We scan the succeeding pages. Another speech of tije State University’s President is featured. But we find it just onother piece of Godless verbiage. We continue to read. Interspersed among the countless pictures of fresheyed, attractive youth, we find stories, essays, verse, varying in skill and readability, but all alike in the one point that all completely omit any mention of the Creator, ony expression to indicate that the students realize in the least the Divine Fatherhood of God, the existence of a Divine Lowgiver, the omnipresence of the Divine Spirit dwelling in the universe. And to cap the climax, this Annual contains one story that is blasphemously atheistic, in an Institution composed mainly of Catholic students, supported largely by the money of Catholic taxpayers. How long must we Catholics tolerate this state of affairs in our vaunted State University? Protestants, Masons, Aglipayans THE “LIBERAL” CATHOLIC and other non-catholics claim he is on their side — is( this spineless, unprincipled, vacillating, weak-kneed, double-dealing jellyfish of o man called the LIBERAL catholic. In the recent discussion on divorce, for instance, the Code Commission! claimed millions of Filipinos among them Protestants, etc.,... and Liberal Catholics believe that under certain circumstances absolute divorce should be authorteed by law. Truth is the LIBERAL catholic is on nobody's side. In every question he recognizes only one side — the SELF side. He is neither catholic nor non-catholic, but he bends where the wind blows. Christ called him a "reed shaken by the wind”. The Liberal Catholic is a “worm and no man" who wants to save his soul and gain the whole world in the bargain. He adores God and the mammon of iniquity at the same time. Christ said, "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent bears it awoy." The Liberal Catholic would compromise with the world ond Christ. He would moke Calvary a trip to Jerusalem ond the crucifixion <» dote ot the Riviera. He would win heaven lying in a cushioned bed not on his knees. But will he? It is written in the Apocalypse: "I know thy works, that thou orf neither hot nor cold. I would thou wert cold or hot. But because thou art lukewarm. . . I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." (3: 15-16)