Intentions blessed


Part of The Cross

Intentions blessed
Siguion, Jose Ma.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Intentions Blessed General Intention: For those who suffer persecution for justice's sake The Divine Moster proclaimed blessed those who ore tormented for being good ond in spite of this remain faithful to their duties. "Blessed ore those who suffer persecution for justice's soke, for theirs is the kingdohi of heaven." All those who for being good Catholics, are mocked, molested, or persecuted in one woy or another, are blessed. These persecutions generally come from the wicked; sometimes they come from the good—ond these are worst. Hordly can one practice o virtue without some persecution in one woy or another. This is the patrimony of virtue in this life. Mony hove suffered for such mortyrdom. Actually millions of Catholics suffer imprisonment ond concentration in horrible camp, torture ond deoth for their foithfulness to Christ and His Church. Others, if not martyrdom, have to tolerate molestations or injustice. Jesus soid that all those who wish to live a religious life will suffer persecution. But He also said thot we should not be afraid of those who wish to destroy the body, but we should feor those who con condemn the soul to eternal punishment. So thot in the hour of trial our brothers moy not succumb to suffering ond columny, so ■ that they moy know how to resist the impetous attack of ony persecu32 the Holy Father for May tion, let us proy to the Socred Heort of Jesus that He moy ossist them with-His omnipotent grace. Let us also osk perseverance in the some for oil Catholics of the Mission Intention: For Christianity in Indonesia Indonesia comprises the three great islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo ond other smoll islands. In the islond of Flores may be found one half of the Catholic population of the republic. Of its total population of obout 75,000,000 some 700,000 ore Catholics. In 1949 its politico! independence was proclaimed on the basis of five principles, the first of which is the recognition of the supreme authority of God Omnipotent. The next year Indonesia established her embassy in the Holy See and the Pope received her first minister. Said the Holy Fother: "Wherever the supreme jurisdiction of God is recognized ond defended as your Republic has done in its inauguration, there men are given their proper places— so ore notions, the rule of democracy and conscience and social justice with a firm and happy harmony. It may be thot outside events or humon errors may offer obstacles to this end, but while the end remains unchanged, there will always be hope to realize these excellent principles." Jose Ma. Siguion, SJ. 33