The chaperone


Part of The Cross

The chaperone
Aunt Lina
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
7)ke Chaperone Pen Pal Column conducted j7 By AUNT LINA J With this issue of the Cross, our club is a year and a month old. Come to think of it — our Family now counts with over a hundred and twenty members — all young Catholics who believe in good wholesome friendship via the mail. And why not? We believe in it, too. The Chaperone Club was established for that particular purpose — to meet that tendency among the youth to make friends by molf. Oftentimes however, the friend-seeker chooses a non-selective medium and usually gets to meet pen-pals who are not quite "on the level". And sometimes, our friend-seeker discovers this too lote. We wont our Catholic Youth to know one another in the properly-supervised monner. . . hence, The Chaperon Club. It has been our greatest' pleasure during this year of "chaperoning" to find among our Catholic youth some reol fine Catholicity thot we can honestly be proud of. The number of those who write about spiritual matters to one another is indeed surprisingly high. (Ed.—See letter of Ray de -Medina in "I'll tell the Cross" Dept.) And this is a good sign. For if there is any difference between this Cross-sponsored Pen Pal club and other Pen Pol clubs conducted by secular popers, it's the fact thot ours'is Catholic. Its members are Catholic boys and girls, most of them from Catholic schools, and they all have one ideal — to keep clean, wholesome, good Catholic friendships via the mail. By the time you read this, we will hove met one another at our first "Family Get-Together". And it will surely hove been delightful meeting our friends with the incognito masks of Code names set aside. However, for those who couldn't manage to attend the affair, you'll hear scoops and scoops of neWs from your "cousins" — so’ o detailed description of the "social" on my part will be mere repetitions. And besides, I have to meet the dealine which pops up long before the April 1 affair. So, start those letters flying, folks. 38 APRIL, 1951 ' 39 In this month's column we’ll dispense with news of club members and go straight to the list of new “cousins" who were accepted lately. Pick your pal and write “hello!" Alley-oop! here we go... Swelling the Bulakeiia group this issue is Luisa B-109 who hails from Malolos, Bulacan. She’s a> nineteen-year-old lass...- graduate of the E.T.C. course... loves cooking, writing letters, badminton, and reading. Looks like the Aguilar clan is turning up for incorporation into the Family . . . first Herminio, then Nena (or Elena) . . . ond now a flesh-andbiood cousin — Chorito- A- i 1 I. She stays in Economia St,, Sampaloc, Manila. . . she's in her Sophomore year of dentistry at the Centro Escolar University. "Hope" S-106, an active club member, induced three of her friends to join — Augusto A-) 12 (age: 23); Nestor N-102 (age: 23) and Ernesto R- 105 (age: 21). All of them are Seniors in the College of Engineering, 'Mapua Institute of Technology. . . all like to struggle with math problems, ond go for bowling, badminton ond reading. Mila N-101 is a typical “baby" — she’s only 15 years old — a Freshman at UST—goes for badminton, bowling and occasional parties. She wants to cuddle on Auntie’s lap. “ Lenaidu C-106 got interested in the Family due to her class teacher who recommended reading the column in order to get a broad slant on the trend of Catholic youth. Zenaida is a sports-minded girl, goes for swimming and tennis. From Dimiao, Bohol, comes Irene V-109 who is another outdoor girl. Accent is on biking and volleyball. She’s a High School Junior of St. Nidi ol's Academy. Another member from Davao City is Amelita D-107... a Sophomore B.S.E. student at the Immaculate Conception College. She's o'hound for puzzle-solving games. Rustico A-100 introduced one of his intimate friends — Sisemundo D-108 — who hails from Meycawayan, Bulacan. He's an eighteen-year-< Old "binata" — no hobbies given. Primitivo C-101 is worried because he has only few ‘cousins’. So grab that pen, children, and. write him “hi! coz”. Concesa K-106 will have to leave off pouring over her school books and relax on pen-pal letters instead. Her poor eyes deserve a rest so she has stopped studying. But she’s not letting that get her down. She loves horse-back-riding, swimming and other active sports. This is all, children. Have a pleasant vacation.