Protestant and catholic


Part of The Cross

Protestant and catholic
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Written by a fair-minded Protestant, this article should be read by Protestants and Catholics alike . . . Protestant and (Catholic IN AMERICA TODAY two mighty forces exist side by side: Roman Cotholicism and Protestantism. The two hove much in common. Both groups are working to make religion an integral port of our national life. Both seek to establish the spiritual values of the Christian faith, as the only means of successfully comboting the increasing materialism of our oge. Yet there ore great differences between Cotholicism and Protestantism, ond some of these differences are inevitable and irreconcilable. Each group stands for something the other does not believe in. Since this is a fact, is there any possibility thot Roman Catholics ond Protestants con come together in any woy ortd, in a measure at lebst, unite their forces in defense of the Christion foith? At the present moment it seems almost impossible. As the Americon Mercury soid: "The widening gulf between protestonts ond Romon Catholics hos become on important national issue." Now it hoppens- that time ago I wrote to Archbishop Cushing of Boson, voicing my approval of the high moral and spiritual quality of his addresses. In my letter I suggested the possibility of some form of cooperation between Roman Catholics and Protestonts against the common foe of modern materialism. In reply I received what to me wos o most ostounding letter, ond one which most certoinly is worth quoting in full. I hove Archbishop Cushing's permission to do this. Dear Mr. Kimball: The blessings of the Lord to you for your brand note. As you know full well, the way is hard, and a kind word like yours is a source of great encouragement. I am convinced that Christians of all classes, Protestants and Catholics, must unite if we are to save the world from moral and spiritual decay, which is always the prelude to material destruction. 40