"moderne" [poem]


Part of The Cross

"moderne" [poem]
Aunt Lina
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
48 THE CROSS volunteer for the army ond fight for the rights of the free, he shows a noble love for his home. When one with the blessing of the sacrament of marriage leaves his parents' home to build a home his own, he shows a noble love for the home he is leaving. When one leaves home to serve Christ in the priestly or religious state, he shows a noble love for home. Such men show their love for home because they leave it only for something nobler. Men do not accuse volunteers for the army of hating their homes; neither do they accuse those who set out to start their own homes. Why should those who give up home to serve Christ be branded as homehaters? Could a religious Teave home a thousand times over, I am sure he would. For he would thus prove his love for his home a thousand times over; he would thus prove his greater love for Christ a thousand times over. What I have here written was not the answer I gave the young lawyer. Him I answered but briefly, the rest I left for him to figure out. "I gave up home to follow Christ because I loved my home, but loved Christ “moderne” by AUNT LINA in the theatric way, they bade goodbye— with a sparkling tear and a long-drawn sigh . . . he warmly clasped her lotioned hand and whispered: "dear, you understand that duty calls, i must obey; but i'll return to you someday." and on her part, she hung her head and murmured low, "i've heard it said that absence makes the 'heart grow fonder; i'll feel thot woy, — but, will you? — i wonder." so through the length of afternoon, they sang the same goodbying tune, till finally the whistle blew and terminated love's adieu. the ship wos putting* out to sea when he remarked "bohemianly"; "why should i brood about and fret? i'd better woo a new Juliet." while on the shore, she wore the looks of waiting heroines in books; buf after a couple of tears were shed, she dressed to go out to El Coiro with Fred.