I'll tell the Cross...


Part of The Cross

I'll tell the Cross...
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
“I’ll tell the Cross... (Continued from page A) I hope for your progress as the monthly issues come out every now. and then. You may rest assured I do read every thing in the CROSS. Call me a “from-cover-to-cover” reader of The Cross. May God bless you in your work! Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus. RAY DE MEDJNA "LIKE HOT CAKES!" Diocesan Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Vigan, Ilocos Sur Sir: Our Legionaries are selling your Cross like hot cdkes! So far r>i, back copies left. More power to the Cross and its editors! Devotedly in the Lord, Anselmo G. Bustos, S.V.D. Ed.—And more power to Vigan Legionaries! "JUST FOR THE LOVE . . ." Burgos, Ilocos Sur Sir: It is with a feeling of joy that I am sending you another subscription. May I take this occasion to ask you not to atop, sending me your wonderful magazine; you can count on me as a permanent subscriber, just for the love of your magnificent Cross-, although I may be rather late sometimes in renewing my subscription. Sincerely in Christ, (Rev.) Angel Soria Ed.—Deogratioi! 100% SUBSCRIBED Knights of Columbus Bangued Center Bangued, Abra Sir: In our recent regular meeting held March 3, 1951, it was agreed 60 APRIL, 1951 61 that we request the Cross to send us individually one copy of the magaiine. Each Knight will subscribe individually to that paper. This is in connection with our campaign for a Catholic newspaper. Respectfully, Dr. Vene Pe Benito .Voted: Rev. Carlos Breitenstein, S.V.D. EncL: List of members of the K. of C. Bangued Center. Ed.—The K. of C. Bangued Center subscribed 100%. You've got to give it to those Knights! "CAN'T GEf ALONG WITHOUT IT" Tuguegarao, Cagayan Sir; I know my subscription to The Cross is ended. Fearing that I might miss the issues to come, I am sending my renewal.... It seems I could not get along to see the coming months without your magazine. Please accept my great appreciation for your important task of spreading the word of God through the medium of your famous monthly—The Cross. With God's help, I hope that I will always be a recipient of your magazine. Praying for your true success, I am Sincerely yours, Marino D. Gatan ^d.—Neither can we get along without you—and each and every of our ubscribers. WONDERFUL Southern Consolidated Investments Co. Davao City Sir: Please be advised that, even if I have not renewed my subscription of The Cross through your office, my interest in reading your wonderful magazine has not waned. Reason for my non-renewal is, that I am now getting my copies through the Rev. Fr. Turcotte, p.m.e. of the CYO club here in Davao City, from whom we can get the magazine at an earlier date; and for the same rate. May I take this occasion to offer my congratulations on your superb work, and offer my prayers for your continued success. Very truly gou/rs, Sergio W. Jalbuena Ed.—Thanks. 62 THE CROSS "ALL SO REAL . . Ateneo de Davdo Davao City Sir: I enjoy reading each and every article in every issue of the magazine. They are all so real I suppose, and realities published always fascinate me. Respectfully yours, Jose Melchor Velasco Ed.—The Catholic Preu mutt come to grips with reality savoring the north with the salt of Christ. NEEDED: "A LITTLE SALES TALK" Ateneo de Zamboanga Zamboanga City Sir: I am very much interested in the growth of the Catholic Press and of The Cross in particular. This is an idea I have in mind and I wonder if you would agree to the proposal. Just as the Reader’s Digest has field agents and allows them a certain commission I thought of getting some of our Ateneo students to go about the city soliciting subscriptions to The Cross and The Sentinel. There must be many people who want to subscribe but never get down to writing a letter. A little sales talk might be just the thing. During recent months some Protestants have come down here and they go from house to house selling their books; I was surprised wher I learned how innocently the uninformed people bought some of the books. Then and there I thought of combattingf their work by the spread of our Catholic Press. A commission, say of 10%, ought to attract some students and their earnings would help much towards their next year's tuition. Should you agree to this proposition, would you send some blanks and maybe a testimonial card that could be filled out? My main interest is not in providing work for the students but rather to see The Cross reach out and extend its influence over so many new readers. How successful the project would be I do not know but I think it is worth the trying. With every best wish, I remain, Sincerely in Our Lord, Rev. James A. Burke, S. J. Student Counsellor *RiL, 1951 63 —Splendid, Father! We only wish there were a thousand such proposals r all over the islands.. We are willing to try anything to bring the peoce Christ to our people. Go right ahead. And God be with your boys! "TO HEAVEN—EXCLUSIVE!" P. 0. Box 1323 I am renewing my subscription—for a life-time. Why not start a “Life-Subscription" Department! Enclosed please find the sum of P50.00 as payment for a subscripto the CROSS to cover the period from May 1951 to heaven— lusivet Rev. Charles J. Beaurms -We're starting the "Life-Subscription Dept." here and now! Thanks the suggestion. "A CRATE OF BOUQUETS" Novaliches, Q. C. A crate of bouquet^ to L. M. Gonzalez for her short-story “Monsieur d the Colegialas", a toast of champagne glasses to “Mrs. O’Reilly’s" ator—that highly-competent weaver of tales who is always hiding light under a bushel. A couple of Sl-gun salutes to your editorials, .hought they packed a lot of punch. And if it were physically pos•le, please pat P. O. Morales on the back for me for his deliriously (ightful Middle Aisle It—Now Showing. Regards to the Staff. May Our Lord prosper your work, and send only laborers but also good articles into your office. Amen. Sincerely yours in Christ, (Name Withheld) —So be it. "VALIENTE" Manicahan, Zamboanga City itinguido Sehor: Le agradeceria muy de veras me subscribiera a su benemerita vista mensual “The CROSS" y con este fin le incluyo un Money t*er. Oegeandole una amplia difusion de su valiente publication, queda de Vd. su afectisimo servidor, Peregrin Natividad