With our young ones


Part of The Cabletow

With our young ones
edited by Pablo Matatquin Jr.
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 2) February 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH OUR YOUNG ONES Edited by PABLO MATATQUIN, JR. DEMOLAY RAINBOW "WEST SIDE STORY" at UP Sia. Isabel College’s production of the musical "West Side Story” will be presented by the International Order of DeMolay, Jose Abad San­ tos Chapter, at the UP Theater, Dili­ man, Quezon City on Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Feb. 16. Proceeds will be for the Gumersindo Garcia Sr., Me­ morial Hospital to be built at TOndo. In the cast are students from Sta. Isabel College, Atenco, San Bcda, FEU and La Salle. Production ad­ visers arc Sor Catalina Ledesma as production coordinator; Kathy Stern­ berg, vocal coach; Aida Sanz Gon­ zalez, music preparation; Al Quinn, choreographer; and Dr. Eliseo Paja­ ro as music director. The musical will have a 12-night run at FEU auditorium. The Order of DeMolay was founded in Kansas City in 1919. (The foregoing story is quoted from the Sunday Times, Vol. XX, Number 340, January 30, 1966, page 8-A, cols. 1 & 2, unexpurgated and unadulterated. Readers will note that participants in the production, cast and management, are members of various religious groups: Catholics, Protestants, and Hebrew, all working together to produce a successful presentation. Readers will further note that the Gumersindo Garcia, Sr. Memo­ rial Clinic will be constructed as an adjunct of the Mary Johnston Hospi­ tal of which our late Bro. Garcia was director. Bro. Garcia was a faithful member of Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4. —Ed.) A Perla Assembly No. I, Manila, Or­ der of the Rainbow for Girls installed publicly its officers for the 1966 first term on January 29. The beautiful — it ever is said Mom Alice Bellis — installation ceremony saw a charming display of feminine fortitude when the follow­ ing Rainbow girls assumed their elective and appointive offices: Ermelinda Velasco, Worthy Ad­ visor; Eleanor Gardner, Worthy As­ sociate Advisor; Felicidad Catli, Charity; Mutya I'onacier, Hope; Marylou Buenafe, Faith; Susan Malahay, Recorder; Minerva Domingo, Treasurer. Adelaida Familar, Chaplain; Hedy de Guzman, Drill Leader; Olive Crudo, Love; Rebecca Martinez, Re­ ligion ; Edith Grimares, Nature; Eli­ zabeth Gardner, Immortality; Eve­ lyn Roque, Fidelity; Rhodora Ro­ que, Patriotism; Elena Martinez. Service; Elizabeth Roque, Confiden­ 12 The Cabletow tial Observer; Pamela White, Outer Observer; Elnora Rint, Choir Direc­ tor; and Miriam de Guzman, Musi­ cian. Mom Virginia Domingo was chosen Mother Advisor. Following a filial and helpful tradition of the assembly, Dad Luis F. I^incero of Lodge Perla del Oriente No. 1034 was chosen Rain­ bow Dad. DeMolay Lawrence A. Esguerra of Loyalty Chapter, OD, was chosen Rainbow Beau. The guests included brothers and sisters from various DeMolay chap­ ters, Rainbow assemblies, and Jobie l>ethels. A dance part)’ capped the installa­ tion. A Clark Air Force Base will be the site of the first DeMolay Conclave in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines. Guam, and Okinawa on June S-12. bar East Chapter, Order of DeMo­ lay, the chapter-host of the conclave, made this final choice to insure maxi­ mum attendance as Pampanga is nearer to most DeMolay chapters in the Philippines. The conclave aims to establish a Mother Chapter of the Order of De Molay in the Far East. Jurisdic­ tional officers from the councilors down to the preceptors will be elected to her offices during the 5dav conclave. A jurisdictional De­ Molay Sweetheart of course will not be amiss. Competition in ritual work, athle­ tics, and other youthful contests will pick who’s who among the DeMo­ lays in the Far East. A Sweetheart Ball will cap the conclave. A Led by Cynthia Domingo, incum­ bent Honored Queen of Bethel No. 2, IOJD, other officers and senior members, the daughters of Bethel No. 2 held a pre-Valentine party on Feb. 5, 1966 on the lawn of Dad and Mom Melocoton at U. P. Village in Quezon City. They also called it a “Thank You” part)' for the Jobies from other bethels, DeMolays and Rainbows, parents and guardians of the young ones who helped in the installation last January 9. As a departure from their usual parlies, this time they did not ask for donations from their guardians nor did they spend from their bethel funds, but spent their own heardcarned personal savings. Even so, they had a successful party with their enjoyable games, songs and dances put on in an impromptu manPresent at the party were rainbows from the Manila assembly, DeMo­ lays from the two chapters in Ma­ nila, and Jobies from Olongapo and Dumagtiete. A ■ - If I had my life to live over ai/ain, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week; for perhaps ths parts of my brain now atrophied would thus have been kept active through use. The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be in­ jurious to the intellect, and more probably the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature. —Charles Darwin February 1966 13