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Corcuera, Aurelio L.
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 2) February 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ZucattotM aid rffct-wtA WB AURELIO L. CORCUERA (4) PM 120. In the lecture of the Third Degree this statement occurs: ‘‘For Masonic tradition informs us that at the building of King Solomon’s Temple there were three Grand Masters...." Is this correct? In the original, or first edition, of the MANUAL, in code, the phrase is “three Master Masons." It is true that Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif were, according to tradition, the three Grand Masters. The important thing, however, is that they were the only three who were Master Masons and as such in possession of the secrets, which by agreement among themselves, were to be given only after the completion of the Temple, and then only when they three were present and agreed. 121. When former Speaker and Senator Quintin Parades became Grand Master in 1922 to what Lodge did he belong? He belonged to Abra Lodge No. 8G of which he was a charter member. He was formerly a member of Sinukuan Lodge Noo. 16, of which the Late Pres­ ident Quezon (G.M., 1918) and Rafael Palma (G.M., 1920) were members. 122. What was Apolinario Mabini’s mother Lodge? Balagtas Lodge Noo. -139, Grande Oriente Espahol, the first Lodge formed by members of Nilad Lodge No. 144 (Now No. 12). Balagtas Lodge No. 149 was reorganized after the American Occupation but was later dissolved. 123. In what Lodge was Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo initiated? In Pilar Lodge No. 203, Grande Oriente Espahol (Now No. 15). 124. What is mean by “free territory” in Masonry? The term “free territory” in Masonry is applied to any country where the Masons residing in it have not yet formed an independent and sovereign Grand Lodge of their own. In practice, any Grand Lodge can charter Lodges in the territory. The Grand Lodge of the Philippines, then known as Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands, was organized, based on the claim that the Philippines, Masonic-ally, was a “free territory,” the Gran Logia Regional de Filipina being regarded as merely a District Grand Lodge under the Grande Oriente Espahol. 125. How is a Grand Lodge organized? The organization of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, that of Ireland in 1725, and that of Scotland in 1736 set the precedent, according to which not less than four — American practice says not less than three — Lodges meeting in convention are competent to organize a Grand Lodge in a “free territory.” The Grand Lodge of China and that of Japan were or­ ganized by Lodges holding charters from the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in this manner. 18