The Davao Masonic Service Association


Part of The Cabletow

The Davao Masonic Service Association
Efficient in outreach
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 2) February 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Efficient in Outreach. . fake 2)auao Masonic Service Association Would that there will be more like it in this grand jurisdiction. As the “do-it” and public relations arm of the Davao Masonic community, it is efficient in reaching out to the Masons, their families, and people of Davao City and province. Moreover, be­ cause the Davao Masonic Associa­ tion, is principally of the Davao Bodies, AASR, it reaches out to Cotabato until such time as the Cotabato brethren shall organize their own in­ dependent bodies. The Davao Masonic Association has been a felt need of the community for sometime. It is designed to bring together the Masonic organizations in the city and province and provide them a single organization which shall act for them in matters pertinent to their charities, their educational pro­ gram and their social welfare work. Through the association, the Masonic community acts as one and because of it, the Masons and their families have earned the admiration and respect of the people of Davao. In the December issue of their news­ letter, they have announcements of the installation of officers, lists of new officers and members of Teodora Alonzo Chapter No. 4, Order of the Eastern Star, Sarangani Lodge No. 50, Davao Lodge No. 149, and Davao Bodies, AASR. It is interesting to note that the address lists contain not only the addresses, but the professions, firms, telephone numbers and zones, the last item being given for the benefit of their Sunshine Committee. They have a well-organized Sun­ shine Committee which has data on the dates of birth, weddings, spouses, children, professions of the children and of the members. Any accidents, illness or distress are communicated to the brethren. They visit sojourners and their families and bring them to their lodge or chapter meetings and join in their other assemblies. When there arc conventions of national and international organizations in Davao, the Sunshine Committee goes out to meet and get acquainted with Masons and members of their families attend­ ing those conventions and conferences. This school year the Davao Masonic Association is paying the tuition, books and other school supplies of six poor and deserving students in the Davao School of Arts and Trades. In the same period, it has taken care of the transportation, lodging and board while in Manila waiting for admission, in ‘the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children of four crippled children. At least one of them has returned home in good health while the others are still confined at the MFICC. At the moment, the most pressing project of the Davao Masonic Associa­ tion is the acquisition of a piece of property which can be used for its educational and welfare program. They are looking for a lot where they can build an edifice to house classrooms Tum to next page February 1966 19 tor their literacy campaign, a clinic and playground for poor children and adults of the community. The association also has on tap plans to organize two lodges outside the city of Davao. The first will be in Mati on the northeastern coast of the province and the second will be in Digos on the southwestern coast. The Davao brethren are in chargrin over the statement that they can do most anything, what with so many millionaires in Davao. They are quick to point out that the bulk of any funds they collect are from the brethren of the middle class farmers and profes­ sionals of the community. Once in a while they might get eye-popping con­ tributions from millionaire brethren, hut they are tolerant in this respect as they know that millionaires have many obligations to take care of. They emphasize that contributing to charity and worthy projects is more a matter what one is willing to give, not what one can give. NBM A A A ORDER YOUR PAST MASTERS' JEWELS AND APRONS NOW. 10 Kt. Gold .... 1»150.00 Gold Filled ........ 75.00 P. M. Aprons .... 33.00 jVow on Sale : “Elementary Course of Masonic Study” . . 0.25 “'rhe Candidate” 0.25 “The Entered Apprentice .... 0.25 “The Fellow Craft 0.25 “The Master Mason ............. 0.25 These pamphlets were pre­ pared by the Committee on Ma­ sonic Education to help Lodges in giving effective instructions to their candidates and brethren going up the ladder. Other books jor Sale : The Builders by Joseph Fort Newton .. Pl4.00 Masonic Bible .... 23.00 Altar Masonic Bible .................. S0.00 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW WITH THE . . . PLARIDEL MASONIC SERVICE SUPPLY c/o The Office of the Grand Secretary 14 !0 San Marcelino, Manila 20 The Cabletow