Supreme Council holds 1966 session


Part of The Cabletow

Supreme Council holds 1966 session
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 2) February 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SfC-frtCtlte (?occnciC 'Pfolcte 1966SrniM The Supreme Council of the Thirtythird and Last Degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freema­ sonry of the Republic of the Philip­ pines, held its sixteenth annual meet­ ing of February 10, 11, 12 & 13, 1966 at the Scottish Rite Temple. In this year’s session, a total of thirty-one honors were given. On Thursday, Feb. 10, the session began at 3:30 PM, with the opening of the Council session among the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and Inspectors General Honorary, after which Masters of the Royal Secret were admitted. Main features of the meeting were the Allocution of Sovereign Grand Commander Beni­ tez and the report of Grand Secretary General Velo. At this meeting, the honors were announced. At eight o’clock in the evening, the second meeting of the day was held, pre­ sided overy by Ill. Camilo Osias, Ven. Lt. Grand Commander. Special features of the meeting were musical numbers by the Luzon Bodies Choir and the address by Sovereign Grand Commander Benitez. At this meet­ ing, Master Masons were invited to attend. On Friday, Feb. 11, the regular session of the Supreme Council was held at 3:30 PM, at which official business of the Council was taken up. At seven in the evening, the meeting was presided over by Sovereign Grand Commander Benitez. Main feature of the evening was the con­ ferring of the Thirty-thir.d and Last Degree with Ill. Macario Ofilada in charge. Only Sovereign Grand In­ spectors General and Inspectors Gen­ eral Honorary were present. On Saturday, Feb. 12, the session was begun at 1:30 PM, with Sover­ eign Grand Commander Benitez pre­ siding. Further business of the Council was taken up and concluded at this meeting. The afternoon ses­ sion started at 5:00 PM, with Ill. Teofilo A. Abejo, Grand Chancellor, presiding. The meeting received MW Serafin L. Teves, Grand Master, and other officers of the Grand Lodge. Features of the meeting were the conferrment of the rank and decora­ tion of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor on twenty Masters of the Royal Secret and the address of Grand Master Teves. Closing re­ marks were given by Grand Com­ mander Benitez. Musical numbers were furnished by the Luzon Bodies Choir. A fraternal banquet was held in the evening at 7:30 o'clock at the banquet hall of the Scottish Rite Temple. Toasts were given in honor of the President of the Philippines, the Grand Master, and the Sovereign Grand Commander. Main address of the evening was given by Bro. Isabelo de los Reyes, Jr., Supreme Bishop of the Philippine Independent Church and President of the National Council of Churches of the Philip­ pines. On Sunday, Feb. 13, the annual session was culminated with a church service at the Central Church with Ill. Jose L. Valencia preaching the sermon. Presiding at the service was Ill. Charles Mosebrook, PGM. Turn to page 28 26 The Cabletow Walter H. Schoening with the help of Rainbow girls from Manila As­ sembly at the Scottish Rite Temple, Taft Avenue, Manila. Mrs. Beth Barnes was Mother Advisor and Liz­ zie Rader was Worthy Advisor. Perla Assembly grew and prospered as the years rolled by leading to the growth of the Order of the Rainbow for girls in the Philippines. Clark Assembly Xo. 2 was con­ stituted by the late Walter H. Schoening on August 11, 1956 with lhe aid of the members of Perla As­ sembly in Clark Field Air Base. Angeles, Pampanga. Mrs. LaVerne Mabel Whitlock was Mother Advi­ sor and Charlsie Stewart was Worthy Advisor. Their sponsoring body is Leonard Wood Lodge No. 105. Cavite Assembly No. 3 was con­ stituted in 1961 in Cavite City by Mrs. Agnes Schoening (who became Supreme Deputy of the Order in the Far East after the death of her hus­ band, the late Walter H. Schoening) assisted by members of Perla As­ sembly. Mrs. Agnes Schoening then left for the United States. The Supreme Assembly appointed Mrs. Alice Bel­ lis Supreme Deputy of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls in the Philip­ pines and Okinawa. There are now three Assemblies of of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls in the Philippines to help our young girls between the ages of 12 and 18 prepare themselves for womanhood and become better leaders and bet­ ter citizens of our country. As mem­ bers of the Order, they will be able to encounter the problems of life with ease, tact, understanding and agility. We hope that our Brother Masons and Sister Eastern Stars will help in the growth and welfare of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls in the Phil­ ippines. The Advisory Board of Perla As­ sembly No. 1 is presently composed of Raymond Wilmarth, chairman; Bayani Y. Salcedo, Luis F. Lancero, Jr., Romeo T. Pasco, Benito Maneze, Laurence H. Gardner, Guillermo Madridejos, Virginia Domingo, (Mother Advisor of the Assembly); Maria Luisa Vicente, Carmen Karganilla, Fe Suaco and Flora Ostrea. A A A A SUPREME COUNCIL HOLDS . . The various honors were awarded as follows: To be Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (Active) : Ill. Bros. Jose Locsin Araneta, Remigio Montilla Abello, Cirilo Dictado Cons­ tantino, and Damaso Cruz Tria; To be Inspectors General Honor­ ary, 33°: Bros. Bernabe Africa, Ed­ ward Albert Bellis, Ruperto Sarrosa Demonteverde, Teofilo Marte, Leon Cabig Santiago, Isabelo Tupas and Raymond Everett Wilmarth; To be knights Commander of the Court of Honor: Bros. Manuel Mon­ (From page 26) tilla Abello, Jose Bautista Abejo, Cornelio Malabanan Aguirre, Timoteo Biloya Almonte, Gregorio Ragucos Bailen, Domingo Cabali, Felix Manawis Caburian, William Howard Clark, Jr., Temistocles Elvina, Liberato Estal Littaua, Juanito Treyes Magbanua, Francisco Mateo, Pedro Domingo Melendez, Seldon W. O'Brien, Gil, Francisco Octaviano, Juan Villanueva Orencia, Alfredo Lamzon Ortiz, Castor Silvestre, So­ tero Anselmo Torralba, and Stan­ ton Youngberg. A 28 The Cabletow