Tinga Gold Mining


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tinga Gold Mining
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
8 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [MAY, 1937 Itogon Mining Company WARREN GILKISON General Superintendent During April the mill treated 16,079 tons of ore, from which P246,885.90 was recovered. The recovered value was Pl5.18 and the extraction was 87.25%. Development Development work amounted to 3, 729 feet, a record monthly footage for ltogon. Of this 1,174 feet were in operating development, and 2,511 feet in capital development. Of the operating advance, 966 feet were in ore, and of the capital development, 728 feet. Development work was satisfactory both as to footage and as to •bre. The new main hoist is practically complete and will be in operation early this month. Dumping cradles for the skips have arrived but cannot be installed until after the arrival of the skips. The installation of all machinery sufficient to handle 1000 tons per day is now 95 % complete, and work on the DULONG MINING COMPANY The development advance during April was 371.5 feet. Exploration work by means of dogholes was continued and considerable information was obtained in this way. The assay department is now in operation. Mr. Strenger is now working the survey to Aurora 22 and through all the Aurora prospects. new washing plant will be expedited as muQh as possible during May. The coarse crushing unit, washing plant, primary grinding unit and secondary grinding unit have all o'perated satisfactorily during the month. The recently improved primary filtering unit was put into operation April 30 and with this in the circuit better overall metallurgical recovery can be expected. The new Allen Diesel \ngines No. 4 and No. 5 have been bedded in and the crank cases and cylinder blocks are assembled and in position. It has been found necessary to demolish eight of the oldest barrio houses and to replace them with larger buildings. Extensive necessary repairs are being made to houses in barrios Nos. 1 2, 4, and 5. Further houses are to be built to alleviate the employees' housing problem. The tractor is being kept busy widening and improving the road between Itogon and the Twin Rivers gate. TINGA GOLD MINING Development work has been confined to the driving of an untimbered raise from the drift west in tunnel No. 1. A narrow stringer of ore is being followed, and as soon as this widens to a foot or a foot and a half, stopping will be commenced. Routine repair work has been in progress and all tunnels are now accessible. A concrete bulk head has been placed in tnnnel No. 4 to provide an ample water supply.