United Paracle Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracle Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume l (No. ll) May 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
10 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [MAY, 1937 United Paracale Mining Company R. H. CANON General Superintendent April gold production amounted to Pl19,933, from a tonnage of 10,321. The recovered value per ton was Pll.67. Sulphide mill unit No. 1 treated 3,670 tons of ore and recovered P97,153.04. Production from the Rocky Mountain group of Northern Mining & Development Company amounted to 18 tons of ore with a recovered value of P26.93 per ton. Percentage of extraction for this unit was 88.07%. Oxide mill unit No. 2 treated 6,651 tons of ore, of which 5,603 tons came from Haliguing Bato and 1,048 tons from the mine. Percentage of extraction from this unit was 43.50 % . Development Development for April amounted to 1,950 feet, of which 1,135 feet were capital and 815 feet operating development. Of the total development advance 1,011 feet were in ore. Baluarte shaft No. 1 was sunk 36 feet to a total depth of 405 feet below the zero level, after which the 400 level station cut was started. Baluarte shaft No. 2 was sunk 14 feet to a depth of 319 feet below the zero level, the 300 level station was cut, and the 302 drifts north and south were advanced 18 and 22 feet respectively. Diamond drilling is still going on. Work was resumed on the power house cooling tower superstructure and pipe lines. The framework for the power house extension was erected and the roof put on during the month. Excavation for the drill shop building was continued. A Conway Mucking Machine similar to this one ~_being installed at the Palidan-Suyoc Tunnel. The machine is now being assembled by F. S. Mott, factory representative. This machine is a 50 hp size· and through its use it is expected that as high as 600 feet a month can be advanced in a tunnel. Mr. Silen, 1lfr. James, Mr. Whittall, and Mr. George arrive via Patco. Bottom: Mr. Ewing, Mr. Stapler, Mr. Wotherspoon and Mr. Canon tee off. The armed guard kept score. Paracale Count:ry Club [Sports Weekend. Mr. Barr tells one. Left: Mr. McKibben entertains. Mrs. Fyfe and Mr. Whittall take time out for a bit of refreshment.