Filipinas Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Filipinas Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume l (No. ll) May 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
12 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [MAY, 1937 NORTHERN MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Work wa.s resumed in the 19 north stope, where a small tonnage of good grade ore was extracted. An advance of 26 feet was made in the footwall of the vein. ELIZABETH ANACONDA MINING SYNDICATE The development work during the month of April amounted to 467 feet of which 64.5 feet or 16.02 % was in ore. The 6-room bunkhouse has been finished and is now occupied. The barrio water supply system has been completed and is in use. One small oil house has been finished. This house holds two small tanks which are piped to the compressor house. MARSMAN EXTENDS QUEST -- FOR-GOLD TO MOUNTAINS OF EAST INDIES (Continued from page 6) Although rising prices and shortage of base metals created by European demand for rearmament tended to center interest in these metals, Marsman foresaw no immediate important developments for the Philippines arising from this situation. For the moment, uncertainty in European security markets tends to slacken far-away investments and cause liquidation to obtain cash. Marsman will return to the Philippines probably in June, stopping enroute in the East Indies and Hongkong. E. E. Wing, Marsman official at present in London, plans to return about the same time. Marsm,an predicted that gold production in the Philippines, topping P4,000,000 a month at present, can be expected to increase to P5,000,000 monthly by the end of the year. FILIPINAS MINING CORPORATION Operation at the Filipinas property during April consisted of gathering chromite in the various lenses. Work on the Princesa lens is practically complete, as it is on the Don Pedro No. 1 lens. Work on the Queen deposit indicates a considerable tonnage of chromite ore. Most of this is very fine and will probably have to be washed before shipment. The amount of ore which has been extracted to date is estimated to be 3,652 tons. ACOJE MINING COMPANY The mining of chromite from Lens No. 2 has been started in order that 1,100 tons may be shipped by June first. A temporary loading platform was constructed for the loading of trucks. The deliyery o_(. c~romite to the pier was started on May first. The grading of the road to the· pier was completed on April 8th. The road to the permanent camp site has been completely graded, the bridge finished and surfacing now 50 'Jo complete. The road to lens No. 4 is almost ready for surface. Camp construction is well under way. Two bunk houses have been started and construction of office and bodega will begin at once. The excavation of ore bins at the pier is nearly finished. The tunnel under the bins is now underneath the bins and excavation work will be completed considerably sooner as all excavated materials will be removed through the tunnel. The light plant has been received and is being installed. The delivery of building materials and supplies by water is proving very satisfactory and is much cheaper than any other method. · Construction of the. pier is showing good progress.