Hoover says Russ obstruct peace to spread red rule


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Hoover says Russ obstruct peace to spread red rule
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
International relations
Peace -- International cooperation
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Tne-~hilippine Gazette $3.00 per Year PUBLISHED MONTHLY 25c per Copy 1314 Sixth Street -:- Sacramento, California VICENTE A. ZAM BRA, Publ;sher and Ed ;tN Vol. I, No. 2 HOOVER SAYS RUSS OBSTRUCT PEACE TO SPREAD RED RULE. SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 12-Herb~rt Hoover, the only living ex-President of the United States, bluntly appraised the \\·orld situation and the policies of the Unitr.Q States in his address, declaring rhat, "there is today uniwrsal desire for peace, except Russia." . "~ly impression is that Russia is obstructing to gain time for elimination of all non-Communists elements, and thus for the consolidation and practical absorption of those areas behind the 'iron curtain' and l\-Ianchuria," he said. ' He accused Russia for "Invigorating her fifth column in every country." The result-the rest of the '\vorld concentrates its fears and ani~osity toward Russia. Ex-President Hoover cn:rnnrnte,:I that to reduce the German people tlJ a "level of perpetual poverty will someday break into another world explosion." He further warned that due l'l the destruction and deterioration of the world's productive equipment and..including the United States who suffered depletion of reserves and equipment, addin& we are burdened with fabulous debt and are slow in recovery of production, he suggested three major policies for the linited , States, he said :. · I. Our resources. must be conserved, ending our role of Santa Claus, now that ~ world f3!J1ine number two is .about over_ ;~~ In ~ational def~nse we _ should hold :itie>j1tom1c l>om~ until the7 ts re;al cooperatil!D for lastmg peace. , SEPTEMBER 1946 HARRY S. TRUMAN President of the United States "On belwlf of the United Stntes of America, I do hereby recognize the independence of tire Philippines as ti separate Dllfl self-governing 11ntio11 nnd acknowledge the null1ority and co11lrol over tlie same of Ilic go.,ern111e11t instituted hi• tlie people tliereof under tlie constitution now in force.'' 3. The United States must devot~ itself to cooperation in the United Nations to maintain peace and cease appeasements: The Atlantic Charter must be asserted at all times. <.