Highly resolved


Part of The Cabletow

Highly resolved
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 1) January 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
HIGHLY RESOLVED Here we stand highly resolved. After Christmas, after the New Year, both stock-taking events. We have pondered hard times gone; we may be anticipating difficult times ahead. We think we are cursed with: man's' in­ humanity to man; man's inhumanity to himself, his country, his people, his government, even his God! But all is not lost. We stand highly res-olved. To make of our failures, foot-stones to future successes. We are human, capable of humaneness, too. We can live and let live. Every person, place, or thing, must have life for as long as the Creator allows it. That is in His hands; all we should do is help Him give it to him. Masonry still frowns upon religious or political discussions, confrontations. However, it does enjoin its votaries "to be exemplary in the discharge of your civil duties, by never proposing or countenancing any act which may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; by paying due obedience to the laws under whose protection you live; and by never losing sight of the allegiance due to your country." That is the bounden duty of each citizen. That we Masons in the Philippines realize we have a government still short of efficiency and responsiveness to the needs of our citizens, is a bright sign that we have a citizenry that knows the good from the bad. We have condemned and still do: tax-evasion, smuggling, corruption, graft and the other evils which have sapped the financial resources of this government and the moral fiber of its functionaries, be they in the executive, legislative and judicial echelons. We can be proud that in our senate, we have three Masons and a Past Matron of the Order of Eastern Star; in the house, half a dozen congressmen and an Eastern star; in the Supreme Court, an associate justice and host of Masons in the Courts of First Instance and Municipal courts’; and not less than a hundred governors, mayors and other officials in our local governments, and top and lower officials in the executive departments, bureaus' and commis­ sions. And, thousands of plain citizens in agriculture, business and industry. But, unless they and we put our Masonry in the forefront as the guiding light in the performance of our duties as officials and citizens, there is less hope for this country to be what any respectable group of citizens would want it to be. Here we stand highly resolved to do our part, whatever our stations may be, that this nation, under God, will be one we can be proud to call our own. NBM YOU AND YOUR CABLETOW In 1966 your Cabletow marks a milestone in its existence since 1923. It is now published by the Cabletow, Inc. in the interest of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. There is no change in its program of disseminating knowl­ edge and information on our fraternity. There is no change in its being an Turn to paga 26 The Cabletow