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Corcuera, Aurelio L.
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 1) January 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WB AURELIO L. CORCUERA (4) PM 114. Why is one who has received the First Degree in Masonry called an Entered Apprentice? The term seems to have been borrowed by the English Speculative Masons from the Scottish Operative Masons. "The beginner in the builders’ art was called an Apprentice; after he had served as such a sufficient time to give evi­ dence of his fitness, his name was entered in the Lodge’s books, after which he was called an Entered Apprentice. (The Lodge System of Masonic Education, 1961, p. 9, The Grand Lodge of Georgia)”. The Entered Apprentice in Masonry has taken the first step in understanding the history, philosophy, and symbolism of Freemasonry. 115. What is the significance of the term Fellow Craft, applied to one who has received the Second Degree in Masonry? “At the end of his apprenticeship he was examined in Lodge. If his record was good, if he could prove his proficiency under test, and the members voted in his favor, he was made a full member of the Craft with the same duties, rights, and privileges as the others. _ He was called a ‘Fellow of the Craft.’ In the sense that he had mastered the art, and no longer needed a teacher, he was called a ‘Master Mason.’ As far as his grade (in the Operative Craft) was concerned, however, these two terms meant the same things.” (The Fellow Craft, p. 4, The Grand Lodge of Scotland). English Speculative Masonry shortened the term to Fellow Craft, and in 1738 edition of the Book of Constitutions the terms Fellow Craft and Master ceased to be synonymous and became distinct, thus giving rise to the three degrees of Speculative Masonry. 116. To what Lodge or Lodges did the martyred Justice Jose Abad Santos and General Vicente Lim belong? They both belonged to Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4. Justice Jose Abad Santos was Master of the Lodge in 1937. He was elected Grand Master in 1938. 117. In the ritual, what is the correct reading of the last word in “T re @ hv a prt in t rts”? The word is RITES, and the preposition is IN not OF. 118. What is the Masonic significance of the word rite? The word rite is derived from the French rite, which in turn is derived from the Latin ritus, signifying an approved usage or custom, or an external observance. In Masonry the word rite is used in two senses: (1) when followed by a prepositional phrase, as rite of discalceation, rite of investitute, etc., it denotes an esoteric ceremony; and (2) when preceded by a proper adjective, as in Scottish Rite, York Rite, etc., it designates a series of degrees arranged in a definite sequence, general with a central theme running through the series, authorized and controlled by a central authority — Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, Supreme Council, etc. 18 The Cabletow