The meaning of gratitude


Part of The Cabletow

The meaning of gratitude
Cajucom, Jose Ma.
Sublime, beautiful
The Cabletow Volume XLII (No. 1) January 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Sublime, beautiful 7>ke .Meaning, of gratitude VWB JOSE MA. CAJUCOM, PM Master, Nilad Lodge No. 12 One of the characteristics, the most sublime and beautiful, of human beings is to be grateful. We are grateful to the Grand Architect of the Universe for He has created us, has given us life, has provided us with the neces­ sary means we need, and has assigned us a country which we have learned to love with all our heart and soul. We are grateful also to our fellow men for the help they are extending us to make our life bearable, for the wonderful fellowship and camaraderie we have created for ourselves for our own protection, happiness, tranquility and contentment. Likewise, we are grateful to Mother Nature who supplies us with every­ thing we are in need of that we may live, move, work, and exist according to our degree of cvolvement. But tonight, I am especially grate­ ful to the members of Nilad Lodge No. 12 for their having elected me to this highest position of Worshipful Master. Nilad No. 12 is my mother Lodge. I saw the first masonic light in it some thirty years ago; there I learned the first rudiments of Free­ masonry, among them, the brother­ hood of men under the fatherhood of God; there I was taught that the first duty of man is to serve God, his coun­ try and his fellow men. There I learned much more, particularly dur­ ing the times of the Kalaws, Guidos, Carmonas, Garcias, Ofiladas and many others. For let it be said that Nilad in those times was one of the biggest and greatest lodges in the country. In gratitude for all the benefits in the form of teachings I have received from this Lodge, I have never re­ linquished my loyalty but remained always faithfcl to her for the last thirty years. Your election, therefore, of my humble self as Worshipful Master comes as a crowning glory of my masonic life. As your Master I will promise noth­ ing; but with your help and support, and paraphrasing the words of our new President, let us endeavor to make Nilad Lodge No. 12 a great Lodge again. Thank you all. FILIPINAS SAVING A LOAN ASSN. Since Cabletow readers may want to know what happened to the Pilipi­ nas Savings & Loan Assn., they will be interested to know that it is alive and kicking and raring to start opera­ tion as soon as office space is finished. The reason nothing has been written in the Cabletow since July 1965 is that monthly newsletters have been sent to the stock subscribers since that time. For those who may want to know further, the stock subscribers now number 351. Of these, 139 have fullv paid for their subscriptions and 134 have paid in part on theirs. Of those who have fully paid, 25 have added and paid on their additional subscrip­ tions. As of Jan. 13. 1966, P220, 800.00 has been subscribed and P86, 059.12 collected. January, 1966 21