Palidan-Suyoc Deep Level Tunnel Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Palidan-Suyoc Deep Level Tunnel Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume l (No. ll) May 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
16 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE [MAY, 1937 San Mauricio Mining Company H. L. BARR General Superintendent San Mauricio milled 4,314 tons of ore during April, for a production of P213,801.90. Recovered value per ton was P48.09, and extraction was 93.44o/a. Development Development footage was 992, of which 186 was in operating and 806 in capital development. Of the total advance, 324 feet were driven in ore. The main shaft of the San Mauricio mine was sunk 36 feet. The San Mauricio shaft was not advanced during the month due to the cutting of the station and sump on the 500 level. The Santa Monica shaft was sunk 32 feet in very hard granite gneiss. The Wilfley table and Weinig flotation cells are being installed in the mill at the present. Work on ball mill No: 2 and the Aikins classifier was completed and these units put into service. Transformers, pumps, and all cables were installed at the Santa Monica shaft. Classes are being held for the miners, and are showing successful results in improving their working knowledge at the mine. These classes are to be continued. PALIDAN-SUYOC DEEP LEVEL TUNNEL COMPANY The face of the tunnel was advanced 245 feet during April, and the distance from the portal to the face is now 628 feet. After careful observation of the Ruhrthaler Diesel locomotive in operation, it was considered advisable to place an order for a storage battery locomotive to make up the train, so as to avoid running the Diesel locomotive over the passing track and switches. The Ruhrthaler Diesel is functioning very satisfactorily, but the punishment is quite severe over short switches, and consequently the lighter locomotive was ordered. The average number of daily workmen has been increased to 98 because of freight handling, excessive road maintenance, and the starting of construction of one additional laborer's bunkhouse. HOMESTAKE GOLD MINES, INC. Prospecting operations progressed well during April. The diamond drilling program has been started and most of the other prospecting activities suspended. The field prospecting work, however, will continue and all outcrops, jobs, stringers, etc. will be surveyed and mapped. Speci:.. mens of the country rock will be systematically collected and submitted for microscopic determination. It is hoped that these rock determinations will furnish information as to rock contacts, and other geological conditions which will assist in the prospecting work.