Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
Tenny, Frank S.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXVII (Issue No. 7) July 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
242 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL July, 1951 SMITH-CORONA PORTABLE One glance at the new SMITH-CORONA. . . and you’re convinced that it’s the most beautiful and sturdy portable typewriter you’ve ever laid eyes on! Not just a “new model”. . . it’s a revolutionary all new typewriter. . . with a total of nineteen new features plus fifteen SMITH-CORONA “exclu­ sives”! Its smart, new Color-speed Keyboard is full standard office machine size. . . has rimless keys colored a restful non-glare green and “comfort shape” to cup your finger tips. ERLANGER & GALINGER, INC. 123 T. Pinpin, Manila • Magallanes St., Cebu City DEPENDABLE IN WAR OR PEACE CATERPILLAR “Caterpillar” diesel engines, tractors, motor graders, and earthmoving equipment played a great role during the last war. Their out­ standing records stem from a rugged simpli­ city of design that leaves little chance of things going wrong. During peace-time, they are equally dependable because back of them stands a factory of high reputation for highquality products. L—KOPPEL—. (PHILIPPINES) ■ BOSTON a 83RD STREETS INC. PORT AREA * TEL' 3'37-33 I Bf.nch.i: Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Executive Director ACTIVITIES of the Philippine Safety Council and other organizations affiliated with the national safety movement have been intensive in recent weeks. Efforts have touched the fire, traffic, industrial, security, and home safety fields. The Fire Prevention Board has begun a definite project of defining standing-room areas in local theaters so as to prevent blocking of aisles and exits. Theater personnel are also being trained in fire-prevention and emergency duties. Cooperation has been obtained from the theater operators and film distributors. Steps have also been taken to curtail looting at fire scenes and to define police re­ sponsibility in these instances. The writer was dispatched on June 29-30 to Tacloban, Leyte, to conduct a preliminary investigation into the fire department situation there on behalf of the Board. The Provincial Bus Terminals Board, after much consideration, has obtained approval of the South Ter­ minals project, and construction should begin soon on the one to be located at Mabini and Cortabitarte streets, Manila. Location surveys are already underway for a terminal site in north Manila. The Council has offered free driver-safety and courtesy lectures to non-profit, civic organizations of professional drivers in an effort to stem prevalent unsafe and illegal driving habits. Unorganized groups of drivers may also apply. The latest techniques will be employed. Seven new company members have joined the Council recently. They are: Acoje Mining Co., Vasquez Clinic, Pacific Airways Corp., Enriquez Private Detective Bureau, Philippine Packing Corp., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., and the Botica Boie (Philippine American Drug Co.) Considerable work is also being done for Grove, Shepherd, Wilson & Kruge, United States Government contractors. A concerted nationwide home-safety campaign has been undertaken by the Council through the Philippine National Red Cross, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, and the Girl Scouts. All three organizations, totalling over 200,000 members, have been enlisted in a drive to inspect homes for safety and fire hazards and to correct unsafe conditions. Check lists and guidance is being fur­ nished by the Council, with the inspection teams being composed of representatives of the three groups. Much interest has been evinced by both members and non-members in the Council’s security services recently. This includes training of security personnel, anti-subversive activity, and allied work. Several programs are now un­ derway. First aid lectures are now being given to employees of Council members each Wednesday and Saturday morn­ ing, in cooperation with the P. N. R. C. A class in basic first aid procedures graduates the middle of July. AGENTS BROKERS CHARTERERS TELEPHONES 3-34-20 3-34-29 American Steamship Agencies, Inc. Manila, Shanghai, Tokyo, Yokohama Cable Address: “AMERSHIP”