Marsman Engineers go to Sumatra


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Engineers go to Sumatra
The Marsman Magazine Volume l (No. ll) May 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY, 1937] THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE 27 Marsman Engineers Go To Sumatra J. 0. Greenan, Consulting Engineer of Marsman and Company, and G. W. Kerr, Consultant on placer mining, of the Marsman Board of Engineers, left Manila on April 27th for Sumatra to supervise exploration work on various mining properties. F. E. Blanc, diamond driller who has been working at various Marsman properties left the Islands about the same time for Sumatra. Lawrence W. Buchanan, Charles H. Mcilvaine and H. T. Merrill, left for Sumatra April 18th. Mr. Buchanan is a member of the geological and field staff, while Mr. Mcilvaine and Mr. Merrill are diamond drillers. The party is now exammmg properties in Borneo and Sumatra. R. C. Allen, chief mine accountant, has just returned to Manila after spending several weeks visiting properties under the management of Marsman and Company. As a part of a service Marsman and Company offers to mining companies, Mr. Allen makes periodical visits to the various mine offices. He checks details of accounting with the different mine accountants and assists them in keeping their records. All of the companies under Marsman management have a uniform accounting system. This greatly facilitates the work of the Board of Consulting Engineers in keeping a close check of costs and results. The Annual Picnic Of Marsman Employees About 120 members of the organization and their families attended the affair, which was held April 18 at Los Banos. A group in front of the Paracale Country Club on LVlay 1.5th during the height nf the sports weekend festiv1'ties. Charlie Hirst, left, Manager of the Ma.chinery and Supply Department, talking things over with Charlie Fi'etch'er, M evhanical Superintendent of the southern division of the Company. This picture was taken. in Paracale during the sports weekend. Mars man and Company, Insurance Department Representing Inc. The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Insurance Company of North America North China Insurance Company, Ltd. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of Canada Filipinas Life Assurance Company Crown Life Insurance Company of Canada Occidental Life Insurance Company of U.S.A. Asia Life Insurance CDmpany