Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
Tenny, Frank S.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXVII (Issue No.5) May 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
170 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL May, 1951 IMPORTERS EXPORTERS Keep Your Costs Down — Use Pasig River Bodegas GENERAL BONDED WATERFRONT WAREHOUSES Accessible by WATER or LAND Low Storage and Insurance Rates Lighterage Service 145 M. de Binondo Tel. 2-63-10 the Secretary, by order, provides that no person engaged in the industry investigated may pay lower wages than those recommended. The Act provides that there may be a differentiation in wages between one locality and another. An appeal to the Supreme Court lies from the order of the Secretary upon questions of law, the findings of fact of the Secretary, when supported by substantial evi­ dence, being made conclusive. The Act contains other provisions relating to pay­ ment of wages in legal currency directly to the employee, notification of the employee of the terms of his contract and his rights under the law, and various provisions for administering and enforcing the Act. 't’he Supreme Court, on April 28, 1951, handed down A its decision in the case of Legarda vs. Miaihle wherein the Court upheld an agreement made for valuable consid­ eration not to pay a pre-war obligation during the Ja­ panese occupation. Of basic importance to the business community, however, was the dicta of the Court indicating it would have upheld as valid a consignation in court of a sum in military currency paying a pre-war obligation contracted and payable in Philippine currency. The Court also upheld as unenforceable during the occupation a provision in the contract allowing the creditor the right to require payment in British currency. Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Executive Director .FFICERS for the next twelve months were elected by the Board of iDirectors of the Philippine Safety Council at a special meeting held on April 22. They are: ELECTRIC POWER DOES ALL THE WORK WHEN YOU W,TH * VAI E WORKSAVER I ALE ELECTRIC LIFT TRUCK THE WORKSAVER lifts and travels by electric power— reduces material handling to little more than a "stroll and steer”operation. High-Liftmodels suck skids, skid bins and pallets in space-saving rows. If you want faster handling and lower costs, get all the facts about 7 Worksaver models: Low-Lift Platform ... Low-Lift Pallet. . . Tin Plate . . . HighLift Platform •.. High-Lift Tilt­ ing and Non-Tilting Fork . . . Tractor. Capacities up to 6,000 lbs., depending on type. Phone or write for complete informa­ tion today. THE EDWARD J. NELL COMPANY 1450 Arlegui Street Tel. 3-21-21 TOOLS THAT KEEP INDUSTRY f y . p. K ON THE MOVE . . . MADE BY \ President: Joseph A. Thomas Vice-President: Dr. Romeo Y. Atienza Secretary: Miguel Ortigas Treasurer: Francisco Delgado Executive Director: Frank S. Tenny A special committee was formed to contact the Secretary of Public Works and Communications and the Chief of the Motor Vehicles Office in regard to suggested improvements in the testing of drivers and vehi­ cles. Members are Executive Director Tenny, Secretary Ortigas, and Treasurer Delgado. The Executive Director was instructed to contact the M-G-M film exchange in regard to wide distribution of the current safety film, “Traffic With the Devil”, now showing in a downtown theater. Activ­ ities of the Fire Prevention Board were also discussed at length at the meeting. New members of the Council are the Philippine Packing Corpora­ tion and Gonzalo Puyat & Sons. The matter of control by the Public Service Commission over bus companies and their drivers was also discussed in detail. MOTOR SERVICE CO., II. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 13th St., Port Area — Tel. 3-36-21