Cost of living Index, 1946-1948


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Cost of living Index, 1946-1948
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXVII (Issue No.5) May 1951
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
May, 1951 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 171 COST OF LIVING INDEX OF WAGE EARNER’S FAMILY1 IN MANILA BY MONTH, 1946 TO 1951 (1941 = 100) Bureau of the Census and Statistics January........ . 603.$ 759.2 236.4 984.0 363.8 434.8 .1657 February... . 547.2 656.3 236.4 940.3 369.5 460.5 .1827 March........... . 525.9 631.0 236.4 940.1 340.4 445.2 .1902 April.............. . 556.2 684.1 236.4 910.3 345.5 435.9 .1798 May.............. . 545.1 675.6 236.4 762.5 342.3 409.6 .1835 June.............. . 538.7 666.4 236.4 737.9 343.3 404.2 .1856 July............... . 552.7 704.3 236.4 598.9 341.3 364.6 .1809 August.......... . 477.9 590.0 236.4 384.7 320.9 346.3 .2092 September. . . 477.9 591.3 236.4 378.7 314.5 347.2 .2092 October.... . 487.4 587.2 236.4 382.7 405.8 342.7 .2052 November.. . 484.8 607.8 236.4 406.4 346.5 305.2 .2063 December.. . 461.9 570.8 236.4 371.9 344.7 302.1 .2165 £1947>><^(100.00)^R63.43) (11.96) (2.04) (7.73) (14.84) January........ ^52^72 368.2 453.9 381.9 326.2 282.5 .2346 February.... . 418.5 454.9 453.9 356.2 344.8 281.4 .2389 March........... . 406.8 440.1 453.9 295.2 334.7 279.4 .2458 April............. . 387.7 413.3 543.9 269.2 328.9 271.6 .2579 May.............. . 381.0 404.4 453.9 250.9 325.4 269.4 .2625 June.............. . 386.3 414.4 453.9 236.8 316.6 268.6 .2589 July............... . 393.4 426.8 453.9 217.7 309.3 269.9 .2542 August......... . 387.4 419.8 453.9 210.2 292.0 269.1 .2581 September. . . 368.9 392.1 453.9 216.4 283.3 266.8 .2711 October........ . 358.7 376.3 453.9 212.7 280.5 267.7 .2788 November... . 358.4 376.3 453.9 215.1 280.5 265.3 .2790 December... . 371.9 395.8 453.9 219.1 298.2 262.9 .2689 1948 January........ . 391.2 428.3 453.9 224.5 304.6 249.9 .2556 February.... . 368.5 392.0 453.9 223.8 301.1 254.4 .2714 March........... . 349.4 361.0 453.9 214.6 308.1 255.9 .2862 April............. . 356.1 374.1 453.9 209.4 289.7 .254.8 .2808 May.............. . 349.8 360.2 453.9 214.2 289.7 271.6 .2859 June.............. . 354.3 370.4 453.9 205.2 283.2 262.9 .2823 July............... . 356.4 374.2 453.9 201.3 281.6 262.4 .2806 August......... . 363.6 385.7 453.9 199.8 281.6 261.7 .2751 September. . . 370.6 397.2 453.9 199.2 279.6 260.6 .2698 October........ . 374.9 404.0 453.9 204.8 283.2 257.9 .2668 November... . 368.7 394.4 453.9 202.0 281.6 258.7 .2712 December... . 365.9 389.9 453.9 2O2'o 282.4 258.9 .2732 An IMPORTANT PERSON In Your Life Here is the important young lady upon whose finger tips depend much of your daily life’s routines —your telephone operator. She helps your words of romance, friendship, busi­ ness, speed on their way to any point around the world. Iler qualities are part of her tradition. There still is a scarcity of telephone materials, but there never has been a scarcity of the operator’s devotion to duty. The operator, with her patience, industry and cour­ tesy, is an important person in your life. PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COMPANY Marquez de Comillas, Manila OUR POLICY: The best possible service at the lowest cost consistent with financial safety and fair treatment of employees. FULL PROTECTION... January........ . 363.8 386.8 453.9 202.0 279.0 258.9 .2750 February.... . 343.8 355.5 453.9 203.0 277.5 258,9 .2909 March........... . 346.3 358.2 453.9 202.0 276.3 258.5 .2896 April............. . 348.7 362.6 453.9 197.6 287.5 257.1 .2868 May.............. . 348.8 362.8 453.9 197.2 287.5 257.1 .2867 June.............. . 349.0 362.9 453.9 203.9 287.5 257.2 .2865 July............... . 351.7 374.0 453.9 194.2 265.8 240.5 .2844 August.......... . 337.5 351.2 453.9 196.3 266.6 241.2 .2963 September. . . 333.6 345.1 453.9 190.3 264.8 243.1 .2998 October .... . 332.9 343.3 453.9 199.9 264.8 245.0 .3004 November... . 339.6 356.1 453.9 191.1 258.4 239.8 .2945 December .. . 329 6 335.9 453.9 202.9 259.5 256.2 .3035 1950 January .... . 332.3 336.8 453.9 238.0 253.1 269.3 .3010 February.. .. . 336.9 340.2 453.9 233.3 257.8 284.1 .2969 March........... . 339.0 341.4 453.9 236.7 257.8 292.6 .2950 April............. 331.8 328.6 453.9 237.7 252.9 301.2 .3015 May............... . 320.2 308.6 453.9 244.7 249.7 309.1 .3123 June.............. . 323.1 310.9 453.9 243.5 249.7 319.1 .3095 July................ . 332.0 322.4 453.9 252.6 249.7 328.7 .3012 August.......... . 334.4 325.9 453.9 258.7 251.1 328.4 .2990 September . . . 341.3 335.0 453.9 317.4 252.5 327.5 .2930 October......... . 352.8 351.1 453.9 337.3 249.7 334.5 .2835 November... . 354.1 353.2 453.9 322.8 249.7 335.9 .2825 December. . 352.2 350.5 453.9 325.2 249.7 334.8 .2839 1951 January 355 2 355.0 453.9 331.5 249.7 334.6 .2816 February. .. . .358.4 359’8 453.9 342.8 249.7 334.4 .2790 March.......... . 353.2 349.3 453.9 379.4 248.8 339.3 .2832 April.............. . 361.2 362.6 453.9 398.6 247.5 334.7 <276^The Philippine Guaranty Company, Inc. Capital-Fully Paid: Pl,500,000 Total Assets: P4,446,983.90 FIRE, MARINE, MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR CAR, INSURANCE, MORTGAGE FIDELITY LOANS SURETY BONDS. 3RD FLOOR • INSULAR LIFE BUILDING • PLAZA CERVANTES • MANILA PHONE 2-31-12 BRANCH OFFICE: CEBU CITY AGENCIES ALL OVER THE PHILIPPINES