Port of Manila


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Port of Manila
Parsons, Charles
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No. 8) August 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
292 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL August, 1948 Port of Manila By Charles Parsons Luzon Stevedoring Company, Inc. THE Port of Manila is at the present time handling a stepped-up amount of cargo due chiefly to the fact that the roadways within the Port Area have been finished. This makes it possible not only for the brokers’ trucks to make more trips per day, but to use means of cargo-handling — such as towmotors, dockmules, and other type of equipment, which previously could not be used even between one pier and another. In June the Port of Manila handled close to 182,000 tons of commercial cargo, including shipside delivery, over the piers. To this may be added approximately 150,000 tons for the Army over Piers 1, 3, and 5, all of which, of course, went through the Port Area establishment. -----FOLLOW the PATH to--------happy motoring; Correct lubrication for your car means simply one thing: MOBILOIL. An out­ standing fact backs this statement. MO­ BILOIL IS THE WORLD'S LARGESTSELLING MOTOR OIL! Why? Be­ cause Mobiloil makes your car perform better, last longer, run more economically. In any weather it is the best motor oilfc money can buy! MOBILOIL’S special lubricating prop­ erties keep engine parts free of carbon deposits that waste fuel, cause trouble and expensive breakdowns. Make it a point to see your Mobilgas Dealer today and ask for MOBILOIL. The World's Largest-Selling Motor Oil! At the Sign of Friendly Service STANDARD-VACUUM OIL COMPANY MANILA By comparison with the pre-war average of from 60,000 to 70,000 tons and a peak of around 85,000, it will be seen that in spite of the present still dilapidated condition of the piers and the slowness with which rehabilitation has gone forward, the Port is working at high pressure in delivering cargo. The amount of cargo coming into the Port has been increasing regularly because of the growing availability in larger amounts of construction material, especially cement, during the past months. Consumer cargo has gone downward to a slight degree, but this has been more than covered by increased tonnage in building material, machinery, and other types of supplies which have been in short supply. The reconstruction work on Pier 9 is progressing ac­ cording to plan, and by the end of 1949 it should be possible to use a section of it for civilian cargo. This will be the first pier to be rehabilitated in the South Harbor and will rep­ resent then the first return to normal handling conditions. T'Xuring the month of July, San Fernando was made an open port. Ocean-going vessels may now discharge cargo there. The Port of Aparri, which has been but slightly used since the date of its opening, was closed and the Customhouse there transferred to San Fernando. The opening of San Fernando will give a boost to importers of the Baguio region as it is believed that in­ creasing amounts of cargo destined for Baguio will be landed at that port to avoid the congested harbor of Manila and the additional cost of the overland haul. The first imported cargo landed at San Fernando was a shipment of cement. Touring the month, the Bureau of Public Works started "^dredging a deep-water anchorage within the Manila breakwater, so that vessels drawing more than 30 feet, which heretofore were required to anchor 2 to 3 miles off the breakwater, will shortly be able to enter and remain at anchor within it. This will be of special importance to large tankers which invariably draw from 31 to 35 feet upon arrival at Manila. Inconvenience and extra expense in landing gasoline has long been caused by the fact that these tankers have to anchor well away from the break­ water until a portion of their cargo has been discharged. Upon arrival during bad weather, or during weather which does not permit them to discharge within the breakwater at all, they sometimes have to wait for as much as two weeks.