Inter-island shipping


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Inter-island shipping
Vander Hoogt, G. F.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No. 8) August 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
August, 1948 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 293 Inter-Island Shipping By G. F. VANDER Hoogt Manager, Everett Steamship Corporation DURING the month of July inter-island vessels have moved considerably less freight and passengers than during earlier months of the year. This slump in business is not unusual at this time of the year, and is brought about by the rains and by the passing of the schoolopening season. It was further aggravated in the case of freight by advance shipments of commodities made during previous months, prior to the passage of legislation which increased taxes. This situation very much affects some operators who, with present high costs of operations, find that vessel re­ venues do not cover expenses. As a result of this condition, some of the operators keep changing the routes of their vessels in a desperate effort to seek more revenue. Some turn over the operation of their ships to other parties, some­ times with little regard for their financial standing or busi­ ness experience, while still other operators tie up their ships. Competition is very keen, and the granting of rebates and special concessions has been noticed. Most of the inter-island operators are members of the Philippine Shipowners Association which strives to maintain fair trade practices. If one carrier allows rebates or discounts, the shippers soon begin clamoring for similar treatment from all the others. The Association recently held a meeting to discuss such unfair practices, and have scheduled further meetings in order to find a solution to this particular problem. It is hoped that the Shipowners Association will find a method which will enable them to maintain fair and reasonable rates and eliminate deliberate unbusinesslike tactics. Air Transportation By V. A. Brussolo Vice-President, Philippine Air Lines SOME activities of the Civil Aeronautics Board during the past several weeks are worthy of note. Among these are the following: (1) An application of the South Eastern Airways for an air commerce permit and letter of authority for a Rome-Manila and Manila-Aus­ tralia flight, was endorsed to the Civil Aeronautics Ad­ ministration for study and recommendation. This airline is owned by Mr. Martin Tinio. (2) A request of the Phil­ ippine Airlines for a flagstop at San Andres, Tayabas, of Flight 111, 112, and 144 was approved. It was explained that these stops are for the purpose of loading and un­ loading cargoes and materials for the Philippine Oil Devel­ opment Company. (3) A request of the Commercial Airlines to sell two of their C-64’s to the Philippine Air Force was approved. At one of the executive sessions of the Civil Aero­ nautics Board, the request of the Legation of the Republic of China for an increase in the exchange of flights by the Chinese and the Philippine commercial aircraft between the two countries, was held in abeyance because of the fact that there is a protest against the practice of the Chi­ nese air carriers of operating from Amoy direct to Manila, —a privilege which is not granted to Philippine carriers. At the CAB meeting held July 17, the application of the FEATI Institute of Technology for an air commerce permit and letter of authority to “operate air service in furtherance of business,” was opposed by the Philippine Airlines in view of the fact that the purpose of the applica­ tion—“in the furtherance of business”—which includes flights for sight-seeing, photography, crops-dusting, etc., r Solve Your Weighing Problems with AMERICA'S NO. 1 PARCEL POST SCALE! Capacity SO Kilograms x 5 grams up. DO AWAY WITH DEFECTS AND DIFFICULTIES EXPERIENCED WITH OTHER TYPES OF SCALES. Avail yourself of the modern, newtype TRINER SCALES Now! Capa­ cities 250 grams to 51 kilos. PEERLESS-ALLSTEEL SCALES FOR YOUR STORE OR OFFICE ± TRINER COMBINATION PARCEL POST, EX­ PRESS & GENERAL WEIGHING BEAM SCALE. Extraordinary sensitive accuracy. The only beam scale equipped with a parcel-post rate computing slide chart. The beam placed at front of scale is always visible and easily read. No part of the scale extends above the platform to interfere with the weighing of large packages. Latest-type TRINER All-Steel Construction. ’ CALL AT YOUR DEALER FOR A TRINER DEMONSTRATION TODAY PHILIPPINE EDUCATION CO., INC. 1104 CASTILLEJOS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS QUIAPO, MANILA