Construction project in China completed


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Construction project in China completed
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 4) October 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE October 1937 SMAN Vol. II No.4 MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER PRODUCTION SHOWS INCREASE Two new all-time monthly production records, a substantial gain in total gold output, the launching of the second new dredger for Coco Grove, and generally good operating results -these were outstanding features of September operations at the Marsman-managed properties. The four gold producers treated 49,263 tons of ore, from which P77 4,479.49 was produced, both figures being well over those of August. United Paracale, for the fourth consecutive month, established a new record output; ltogon, now on a 1,000-ton-a-day bas'is, set a new production figure. Meanwhile, exploration work is going on in the Netherlands East Indies, with encouraging results in several places. Marsman Hongkong China is making excellent progress in the civil engineering field in China. A.pplication for registration in the United States ha$ been filed by Marsman Investments, Ltd. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN CHINA COMPLETED An em-ergency construction project was completed in September in Hongkong by Concrete Products, Ltd., a small subsidiary construction company of Marsman Hongkong China, Ltd. This job was completed in fast time, and is a credit to the efficiency and speed of the China section of the Marsman interests. Many thousands of tons of cargo had to be unloaded in Hongkong, because of the troubles in Shanghai. All of the available god own space in Hongkong was fully booked, and the Wharf & Godown Company required more storage space urgently. Officials of this company called Mr. G. B. Gifford Hull, managing director of Marsmail Hongkong China, by telephone one night to ask if his company could build a godown in a month. His reply was in the affirmative, and he started on the design, on drawings and bills of material that night. By 9 a. m. the next morning the ·preliminary preparations had been made for the approval of the godown company. An MARSMAN INVESTMENTS FILES. 'REGISTRATION PAPERS The Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States announced on September 29 that Marsman Investments, Ltd. had filed for registration 225,000 shares of ordinary stock with a par value of 10 shillings (P5.00). The stock, which will be listed on American securities markets, has a market value of $1,611,675, the commission's announcement said. immediate acceptance was made, and work was started at once. Later an order for a second godown of about the same size was placed. The first godown is 120 feet wide by 200 feet long, 15 feet high to eaves built in 3 bays of 40-foot span. The walls are built of 9-inch concrete blockwork and the columns of 18-inch square blocks. There are 30 steel windows, which were made locally. The floor is concrete 6 inches thick with sunken rail loading tracks. The roof consists of wooden roof trusses with 1-inch match~ boarding and 6-ply roofing felt. (Continued on page 4) UNITED PARACALE MINING COMPANY Another new monthly production record was made at United Paracale during September, with a total output of P192,755.24 from 6,962 tons milled. This marks the fourth consecutive monthly record for United Paracale. The No. 2 mill unit, which formerly treated oxide ore from Haliguing Bato, was changed to a sulphide unit as of September l, and the entire plant now operates a13 one unit. This change is reflected in a lower tonnage treated, since the tonnage from the Haliguing Bato deposit was high, and the grade low. Head values averaged P28.79 per ton during the month, with a recovered value of P25.10 and an extraction of 87.2%. Total development footage was 1, 7 44 feet, of which 1,251 feet were in capital and 493 feet in operating development. The work of assembling Allen Diesel No. 7 was continued during the month. P. 0. C. compressor No. 1 was moved from the main power house to Longos, where it was installed and put into operation. After this had been accomplished the No. 1 Bolinder compressor at Longos was completely overhauled. Of the total production P2,750.28 was from 164 tons of ore from the Rocky Mountain fraction of Northern Mining and Development Company. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY The plant treated 5,4 7 4 tons of ore during September, from which P124,925.18 was extracted. Capital development amounted to 801 feet, and operating development 775 feet. Mine operations were quite normal except for interruptions due to breakdown in the mill during the first part of the month. Mill heads were slightly lower than the average. However, during the latter part of the month mill heads increased in value so that the total production for the month approximated past averages. Development work progressed very satisfactorily. The 2000 level counterdrive advance was very creditabJe. It is expected that the vein formation on this level at the 22 crosscut will be cut within several months. Development on the 1800 level continues to be encouraging. In the 1842 crosscut the downward projection of the 102 vein system has been cut. In this exposure the 102 vein system is approximately 5 feet wide and of good grade. During the month several development objectives were reached with encouraging results. On the 1700 level, the 17148 raise has proved the downward extension of the 1648 stope. On the 1600 level the 1654 raise has proved the downward extension of the 15154 stope section. On the 1400 level, the 14364 north is showing good values on a mining width of about 2 feet. Raise development in the 364 south is exceedingly encouraging, and indicates that considerable ore of a good gradP- may be expected from this area. Milling operations were quite normal with the excention of a breakdown in the No. 1 ball mill which resulted in low tonnage for four days. This mill has been repaired and is now operating satisfactorily. CONSTRUCTION (Continued fro.m page 1) When the building was finished except for the roofing of half of the 3rd bay, the typhoon of late August struck the Colony with a wind of 164 miles an hour. Damage to the godown was nil, Mr. Hull reported, and the building was in use by the wharf company on the 17th 4 working day after the order had been placed. The second godown is 150 by 170 feet in area, and of the same type of constructlOn, and was built and put into use in 16 days. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1937