Philippine Safety Council


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine Safety Council
Tenny, Frank S.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No. 8) August 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
306 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL August, 1948 The unfailing accuracy of MONROE Adding Calculators saves you costly office hours. Correct in every detail... adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing—with easy - to - operate on features. articles are removed from the Customhouse. It provides that in cases where it is impracticable to pay the taxes pre­ scribed, the Collector of Internal Revenue may authorize the manufacturer to pay in advance, not later than the 5th of each month, an amount sufficient to cover the esti­ mated percentage taxes due for one month, provided the manufacturer keeps the books and records prescribed by the Collector of Internal Revenue. Every importer or manufacturer must make the usual quarterly return of sales but "the amount paid in advance by importers, manu­ facturers, and producers shall be credited against die per­ centage taxes due on their sales for each'calendar quarter.” The Department of Finance also issued a general cir­ cular No. V-51, dated July 2, 1948, regarding exemption of certain articles from the compensating tax} The exemption covers articles used by the importer himself in the manu­ facture or preparation of, and to form part of, articles sub­ ject to specific tax or for consignment abroad; single ship­ ment to a single person of an article not exceeding P100 in value; and goods brought by a returning resident of a total value of not exceeding P500. The Department of Finance further issued a circular letter, No. 245, regarding forfeiture of bonds for failure to produce certificates of origin or notarial certificates of manufacturers, within the time provided in the bond. H. E. HEACOCK Co. ’4 5 4 Dasmarinas, Manila Tel. 2-79-78 & 2-79-79 ★ LUZON STEVEDORING COMPANY, INC. MANILA Philippine Safety Council By Frank S. Tenny Director, Philippine Safety Council THE Philippine Safety Council, in an official release, has praised Chief Primo Villar of the Motor Ve­ hicles Office and the board of directors of the Phil­ ippine Motor Association for recent action taken with a view toward traffic safety. Chief Villar has announced a nation-wide drive against illegal for-hire vehicles. This campaign should reduce traffic mishaps considerably, as that type of vehicle figures heavily in accident statistics. The Safety Council has devoted much attention to these factors for some time, in cooperation with the Public Service Commission and the M. V. O. The Council also heartily endorsed the plan of the Philippine Motor Association to revive the pre-war school­ boy safety patrols to guard school children at intersections and crosswalks while going to and from school. In spite of the efforts of the Manila Junior Police, many such crossings present great danger both to the children and to the motorist. Another Safety Council announcement disclosed that driver training classes are continuing full scale in the Bachrach Taxis, Rural Transit Busses, Philippine Match * MOTOR SERVICE CO., INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS • ACCESSORIES GARAGE & SHOP EQUIPMENT BATTERIES • TIRES • TUBES 230 13th ST., PORT AREA TEL. 2-65-27 August, 1948 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 307 Company, Time Taxis, and other companies. Complete eye tests were recently given all drivers of the Coca Cola plant, the San Miguel Brewery, the Harbor Police; with others scheduled to follow soon. Other types of safety programs are in progress in Elizalde & Company, Puyat 8b Sons, and the Manila Electric Company. As part of its participation in the recently organized Committee of Civic Organizations, the Safety Council is preparing a modern and complete set of traffic regula­ tions for use in the Philippines. Louis P. Croft is acting as chairman of tjie group engaged in this work. The improved regulations will be based upon those introduced by Frank S. Tenny during his incumbency as Director of Traffic for Manila. The San Miguel Brewery, including its numerous allied companies, continues to set the pace in incorporating industrial safety measures into its operations. The Com­ pany Safety Program is designed to protect employees from accidents, to promote operational efficiency, and to further the national safety movement in general. A driver training program was begun during the lat­ ter part of last year. All drivers of San Miguel were given lectures, tests, etc. which has resulted in better­ ing their already good traffic records. The Coca Cola drivers, in particular, attained the highest marks on their written driver tests in Safety Council experience. Re­ cently all drivers underwent a professional drivers eye­ test and the program is continuing from time to time. Of special note is the industrial safety program recently begun. The plan is divided into phases of Fire Preven­ tion and Fire Fighting, Lighting Efficiency, Prevention of Industrial Accidents, and Security Systems. Each plant will be treated according to its individual needs and in accordance with the most modem and accepted international safety standards. Teams are scheduled to finish the initial surveys at the main brewery by August L Employee safety committees will be formed to obtain their suggestions and to aid in furthering the program among all the workers. Philippine Parcel Post A RECENT exchange of letters between the Director of Posts and this Chamber is of interest. It concerns the fact that while there is no limitation on the num­ ber of parcels, regardless of contents, which may be sent from the United States to an office or an official of the Philippine Government, private persons and entities may receive only one such parcel a week with the excep­ tion of parcels containing books, on which there is no limi­ tation. The Chamber asked the reason for this in the following letter: FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS — MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170 2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 leaving at 8:45 A. M. MANILA-ILOILO CEBU, DUMAGUETE, DIPOLOG, ZAMBOANGA & JOLO. leaving at 9:20 A. M. MANILA • CEBU TAGBILARAN, CAGAYAN COTABATO & DAVAO. OVERSEAS SCHEDULE?] Regular Flights to Hong­ kong TUESDAYS »nd THURSDAYS. With connec­ tions to other Oriental ! Cities. Special Chartered I Flights to Hongkong by request. I CALI Terminal: MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT • TEL. 5-10-12 EXTENSION 32 I Aeruea GirLimCALI COMMERCIAL AIR LINES,INC. IRAOF.tCOMMtRn BLOG. TEL 123 JUAH I UHA 7-78 75 BIG SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE AUG. 16th TO AUG. 31st SAVE 25®/o'ro60% ON ALL-QUALITY MERCHANDISE, MEN’S, WOMEN’S 8b CHILDREN’S SHOES, MEN’S SHIRTS, SPORTSHIRTS, TEE SHIRTS, SLACKS, SPORTCOATS, SOCKS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS, UNDER­ WEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC. AMILTON-BROW GREAT EASTERN HOTEL BLDG. ECHAGUE, MANILA