Philippine parcel post


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Philippine parcel post
Ruiz, J.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No. 8) August 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
August, 1948 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 307 Company, Time Taxis, and other companies. Complete eye tests were recently given all drivers of the Coca Cola plant, the San Miguel Brewery, the Harbor Police; with others scheduled to follow soon. Other types of safety programs are in progress in Elizalde & Company, Puyat 8b Sons, and the Manila Electric Company. As part of its participation in the recently organized Committee of Civic Organizations, the Safety Council is preparing a modern and complete set of traffic regula­ tions for use in the Philippines. Louis P. Croft is acting as chairman of tjie group engaged in this work. The improved regulations will be based upon those introduced by Frank S. Tenny during his incumbency as Director of Traffic for Manila. The San Miguel Brewery, including its numerous allied companies, continues to set the pace in incorporating industrial safety measures into its operations. The Com­ pany Safety Program is designed to protect employees from accidents, to promote operational efficiency, and to further the national safety movement in general. A driver training program was begun during the lat­ ter part of last year. All drivers of San Miguel were given lectures, tests, etc. which has resulted in better­ ing their already good traffic records. The Coca Cola drivers, in particular, attained the highest marks on their written driver tests in Safety Council experience. Re­ cently all drivers underwent a professional drivers eye­ test and the program is continuing from time to time. Of special note is the industrial safety program recently begun. The plan is divided into phases of Fire Preven­ tion and Fire Fighting, Lighting Efficiency, Prevention of Industrial Accidents, and Security Systems. Each plant will be treated according to its individual needs and in accordance with the most modem and accepted international safety standards. Teams are scheduled to finish the initial surveys at the main brewery by August L Employee safety committees will be formed to obtain their suggestions and to aid in furthering the program among all the workers. Philippine Parcel Post A RECENT exchange of letters between the Director of Posts and this Chamber is of interest. It concerns the fact that while there is no limitation on the num­ ber of parcels, regardless of contents, which may be sent from the United States to an office or an official of the Philippine Government, private persons and entities may receive only one such parcel a week with the excep­ tion of parcels containing books, on which there is no limi­ tation. The Chamber asked the reason for this in the following letter: FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS — MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170 2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 leaving at 8:45 A. M. MANILA-ILOILO CEBU, DUMAGUETE, DIPOLOG, ZAMBOANGA & JOLO. leaving at 9:20 A. M. MANILA • CEBU TAGBILARAN, CAGAYAN COTABATO & DAVAO. OVERSEAS SCHEDULE?] Regular Flights to Hong­ kong TUESDAYS »nd THURSDAYS. With connec­ tions to other Oriental ! Cities. Special Chartered I Flights to Hongkong by request. I CALI Terminal: MANILA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT • TEL. 5-10-12 EXTENSION 32 I Aeruea GirLimCALI COMMERCIAL AIR LINES,INC. IRAOF.tCOMMtRn BLOG. TEL 123 JUAH I UHA 7-78 75 BIG SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE AUG. 16th TO AUG. 31st SAVE 25®/o'ro60% ON ALL-QUALITY MERCHANDISE, MEN’S, WOMEN’S 8b CHILDREN’S SHOES, MEN’S SHIRTS, SPORTSHIRTS, TEE SHIRTS, SLACKS, SPORTCOATS, SOCKS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS, UNDER­ WEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC. AMILTON-BROW GREAT EASTERN HOTEL BLDG. ECHAGUE, MANILA 308 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL HUME PIPE & ASBESTOS COMPANY For DURABILITY ELEPHANT BRAND ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEETS FLAT and CORRUGATED For SIDING and ROOFING ★ FIRE PROOF ★ r, RUSTPROOF ★ CORROSION PROOF ★ ’ANAY PROOF ★ COOL ★ ECONOMICAL CONCRETE PIPE For SEWER and CULVERT , THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., FAR EAST, LTD. Managing Agents | 6th Floor, Ayala Bldg. Manila THE MARK OF SUPERIORITY IN MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES Typewriting Accounting Machines Cash Registering Machines Bookkeeping Machines Adding Machines Calculators BURROUGHS LIMITED Phil. Chamber of Comm. Bldg. Manila The Director of Posts Bureau of Posts Plaza Lawton, Manila August, 1948 July 13, 1948 Dear Sir: We note an entry in the American Import and Export Bulletin, New York, for April, 1948, page 298, under the heading, “International Mail”, which runs as follows: “PHILIPPINES—There is no limitation on the number of parcels regardless of contents, addressed to an office or official of the Philippine Government which may be accepted for mailing at one time. Also, there is no limitation on the number of parcels containing books and other printed matter that may be sent at one time to any address in the Philippines. With the exceptions noted above, only one parcel post package per week may be sent by * or on behalf of the same sender in this country for the same addressee in the Philippines.” We assume that the words, “this country”, refer to the United States. We should like to inquire whether this entry is correct, and, if so, who made the ruling and the reasons therefor; and we should also like to have information as to how long the ruling is likely to remain in effect. Very respectfully, American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. The answer was: July 19, 1948 The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. Manila Gentlemen: With reference to your letter of July 13, 1948, quoting an entry in the American Import and Export Bulletin, New York, for April, 1948, regarding the limitation in the number of parcels which may be mailed from the United States to the Philippines, I wish to inform you that the information therein contained is correct. As to the origin of said limitation and the reasons therefor, it may be stated that in his letter of June 9, 1945, the Executive Officer, Civi­ lian Affairs Section, United States Army Forces in the Far East, in­ formed the Secretary of Public Works and Communications that the United States postal authorities were ready to resume parcel-post ser­ vice to Luzon, Samar, and Mindoro. One of the conditions of this service was that one parcel a week would be allowed from the same sender to the same addressee. In October, 1946, this limitation was lifted in the case of packages containing books, magazines, and news­ papers from the United States, in response to the request of local im­ porters who are receiving big demands for printed matter because of the destruction of many libraries during the war. In the early part of this year, arrangement was again made with the United States Post Office Department whereby the limitation was further lifted partially, so as to allow the mailing of more than one parcel a week from the same sender to any office or officer of the Philip­ pine Government or from the latter to the same addressee in the United States, in order to enable the Government to send or receive through the mail much needed materials for its program of reconstruction and rehabilitation. The limitation could not be lifted entirely because of lack of per­ sonnel and suitable quarters for handling large volume of packages from the United States and other countries. The Bureau of Posts Building and many of the post office quarters in the provinces have not yet been completely reconstructed. As soon as this Service is in a position to handle more packages with security and safety than it can at present, steps will be taken to remove entirely the limitation in the frequency of marling thereof. Very respectfully, JUAN RUIZ Director of Posts MANILA SHIPYARD, DRYDOCK AND ENGINEERING CO. OFFERS COMPLETE HULL AND ENGINE REPAIR. THREE SLIPWAYS AND DRYDOCK AVAIL­ ABLE. Shipyard: Navotas, Rizal Tel. 40 Ask 499 Office: Room 507 Insular Life Bldg., Manila Tel. 2-89-06