San Mauricio Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

San Mauricio Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 4) October 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY San Mauricio treated 6,389 tons of ore in September, from which Pl36,479.97 were recovered. Extraction was 92 o/c. Tonnage, production, and extraction all represented a substantial gain over the August results. Development work at the San Mauricio, Santa Monica, and Santa Ana mines totalled 1,776 feet, of which 1088 feet were in ore and 688 feet in waste. The main shaft at San Mauricio has reached a total depth of 504 feet, and is in very hard granite gneiss. Work has been started on cutting the 500 level station. The Santa Ana shaft has reached a depth of· 211 feet, and is in hard granite gneiss. During September 85 feet of sinking was done. Very good results have been obtained on the 500 level at San Mauricio. Values of P25 per ton with an average width of 5 feet have been found in the 232 feet of drifting on the vein completed so far. Commercial values are extending much farther to the south than on the upper levels. With the arrival of the alternator panel for Allen Diesel No. 4 and the completion of the cooling tower at the power plant, all construction work for 1937 will be completed, according to schedule. M. H. WALSER On Friday morning October 1st, Maurice Hauser Walser, died following an operation in the Notre Dame Hospital in Baguio. He is survived by his widow who was in Baguio at the time of his death, and his father in Little Rock, Arkansas. many years of tunnel work in the United States, one of his last assignments being with the Metropolitan Waterworks in Los Angeles, California, he came to the Philippines in January 1937 to join the staff of Palidan-Suyoc Deep Level Tunnel Company. Mr. Walser was born in Prattsville, Arkansas, thirty years ago. After The body has been cremated and will be taken to the United States. D. MORGAN REES & SONS LTD. GROVE WORKS. WHITCHURCH. CARDIFF. MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS for MINING, LOGGING, OVERHEAD ROPEWAYS, SUSPENSION BRIDGES, SHIPPING, ENGINEERING, OIL WELLS, STEAM TRAWLERS, STEAM PLOUGHING, AIRCRAFT, etc. Also manufacturers of the Highest Grade of Wire, including Special Improved and Best Plough, Improved and Best Patent Steel, Bright, Galvanized and Rust-Resisting. Contractors to the ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, AIR MINISTRY, COLONIAL OFFICE, etc. Head Office: Cardiff: Telephone Whitchurch 770. London Office: 34/35 Norfolk Street, W. C. 2. Telephone: Temple Bar 8871. Telegram: "Nurope-Cardiff''. 'THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1937 5