Union Mines, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Union Mines, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 4) October 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ACOJE MINING COMPANY During September 2773 metric tons of chrome ore were delivered to the pier. Operations progressed well, and better weather conditions enabled more tonnage of ore to be hauled to the pier. This hauling is being performed by company trucks and also by independent contractors. From September 19 to 21, l,H>O tons of chromite were shipped to the United States. This tonnage was loaded in 36 hours, an average loading speed of about 795 tons per 24 hours. The maximum loading speed for any one hour during the period was 1,140 tons per 24 hours. ' The main ore bin and chute gates operated very satisfactorily. Some alterations are still to be made at the pier head with respect to the bucket loading chute and the ore buckets. It is believed that these alterations will increase l~ading speed considerably. 'Mining operations are being conducted on the No. 1 and No. 2 lenses. The No. 2 lens indicated considerable milling ore on the margin of shipping ore. The mining of the No. 1 lens is resulting in the production of considerable milling ore which is being stored below the lens. P ALIDAN-SUYOC DEEP LEVEL TUNNEL COMP ANY ,:i The advance during September was H48 feet, and the face was 5,925 feet from the portal at the end of the month. Work during the month was hampered considerably by soft ground which required timbering. In view of this soft ground, the advance made was very creditable. The tunnel has now passed into what is believed to be the influence of the Palidan Slide area. The country passed through during the month showed considerable faulting and in places rather intense movement. No vein formations were cut during the month. Haulage has been greatly improved by the arrival of the 5-ton storage battery locomotive. During the latter half of September the Diesel locomotive was given a complete overhaul. 10 GUMAOS GOLDFIELDS, INC. During September 346 1/2 feet of development work were advanced, and 450 feet of assessment work. The average number of men employed during the month was 139. The shaft headframe is practically completed, and will soon be in service. Tunnel No. 3, crosscut west from main drift· south, was driven 14 feet, and no· veins were encountered. The main drift south was advanced 125 112 feet along the vein which showed exceptionally good values over a narrow width. Tunnel No. 4 crosscut east was advanced 86 1/2 feet through granite, and one stringer 6 inches . wide was cut. The shaft was sunk 46 feet during the month, and the total depth is now 61 feet. Of the total to date, 40 feet are timbered with Oregon pine. An electric pump has been installed to take care of the water. Diamond drill hole No. 11 was completed at a depth of 656 feet; this hole is in the La Independencia claim, and nothing of importance was discovered in it. Diamond drill hole No. 12 was started in Guinobacan to cut the mineralized area in the Guinobacan claim. The hole is down 376 feet, and several stringers have been cut. UNION MINES, INC. Total trail footage completed for the month was 23,825 feet. Four outcrops were discovered, and samples of these have been taken for assay. Two grass bunkhouses for laborers were completed. A horse trail has been started from the northeast corner of the property towards the southwest corner, and 1,000 feet have been completed. A trail has also been started towards Mount Alimungan where there is a Government triangulation station. The purpose of this trail is to facilitate survey work on the claims. Labor- conditions and camp health were satisfactory during the month. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 19J7