Paracale National Gold Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Paracale National Gold Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 4) October 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PARACALE NATIONAL GOLD MINING COMPANY The two-compartment shaft on the Venecia claim has reached a depth of 50 feet. Sinking has been carried on by hand so far. A concrete collar has been completed, and the shaft is timbered with Oregon pine. Very little water has been encountered to date, and the shaft is now in andesite country rock. A four-post headframe is being erected, 41 feet high. Two Gardner-Denver 230-cubic-foot compressors have been installed, driven by two Caterpillar Diesel engines. These units will be operating as soon as pipe connections are completed. The barrio houses are completed and occupied, while the staff house will be ready for occupancy by October 10. C.H. HIRST (Continued from page 16) in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, for 15 months' training. On completing this course he was assigned to the San Francisco branch of the company, handling sales and service for the bay region industrial plants, quarries, and for the state highway commission. He was transferred to Manila to represent the company with their agents Catton Neill and Company, in 1926. This company was taken over by EarnThe road has been in use since September 14. Work was delayed somewhat by the closing of the road which hindered the arrival of materials. At present work is being concentrated upon the erection of the headframe and the starting of the power units. The shaft work is being carried on as rapidly as possible so that the Manila vein may be crosscut at an early date. An air line will soon be connected to allow the use of compressed air to drive a tunnel on the Pennsylvania claim. High assays have been secured from a flat-dipping vein on this claim. · Rapid progress is now being made, aud no further delays are anticipated. shaw Docks & Honolulu Iron Works, in 1927. At that time mining in the Philippines was confined to three operating mines. He continued to be IngersollRand representative in the Philippines until August 1935 when he resigned to join Marsman and Company. He is now manager and a director of Marsman Trading Company. Mr. Hirst is married, and has one daughter. He is prominent in the activities of the Manila Polo Club. New Home of the Marsman Interests This new building is the temporary home of the Marsman interests. Located in the Port Area, it is across from Pier 7 in one of the most pleasant business spots in Manila. Now an office building, it will become the bodega for Marsman J'ra,ding Company upon the completion of the proposed new building on a site just in front of it, directly facing the water front. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for October, 1937 11