Let's get acquainted by M.H. O'Malley


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Let's get acquainted by M.H. O'Malley
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
M. H. O'MALLEY The successful management of an organization as large as Marsman and Company and its many affiliated concerns demands the highest efficiency in every detail. In such a grouping of mining interests the work of the general secretary is of great importance. The training, ability, and wide experience of M. H. O'Malley fits him unusually well for such a post. Under his supervision as secretary of the whole organization falls the stock transfer department which keeps stock records, issues certificates, handles dividend payments, and in general is the connecting link between the various companies and their stockholders. Mr. O'Malley is a native of Clinton, Mass., and was graduated from Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, in 1903. For three years, 1903-1906, he was with the Bureau of Education in Manila. In 1906 he returned to New England to join the staff of the Boston Traveller. He came back to the Islands in 1908 to rejoin the Bureau of Education, and THE MARS MAN MAGAZINE for October, 1937 was with that organization until 1916, his last position being superintendent of private schools and colleges. From 1917 to 1920 he was connected with the Philippine Vegetable Oil Company. In 1921 he became president of the Philippine Trust Company, in which capacity he remained until 1929. Resigning that year, he spent the next four years in private business. Mr. O'Malley joined Marsman and Company as secretary in 1935, and has since had an active part in the growth of the organization. Mr. O'Malley was married in 1908, and has six children. Joseph is assistant to his father in the Manila offices of the company. John is Baguio ma.. nager of the People's Bank & Trust Company. Philip is in college in the United States. Two daughters are married to mining engineers: Mrs. Wm. Donaldson and Mrs. Wm. de Carbonnel; while the third daughter., ;Miss Anne, was graduated from high school in Manila this year. 17