Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 5) November 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
November 1937 MAG Vol. II No. 5 MONTHLY PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASES Itogon and United Paracale again set new monthly high production figures, in October, the third and fifth consecutive ;months for each respectively that this feat has been accomplished. Total output from the four gold lode produce:rs of the Marsman interests amounted to P804,959.91, from 49,026 tons treated. Value of the month's work showed a substantial gain over the September figure while the tonnage treated in the plants was about the same. t:::~ ITOGON MINING COMP ANY For the third consecutive month an all-time gold production was made at Itogon during October, when P357,754.39 was extracted from 29,425 tons milled. The slight decrease in tonnage was caused by the necessity of repairs) on the gyratory crusher which was out of the crushing line for several days. In addition, the replacing of the sheave wheels on the main head frame interrupted hoisting operations for half a day. Increased mill head values, however, compensated for the lower tonnage, and resulted in the new record. Development footage totalled 3,431 feet, of which 2,153 feet were capital and, 1,278 feet operating; of the capital development 1,239 feet were in ore, as~ was 1,110 feet of the operating development. Work has been started on the eastern extension of the Sesame vein in the Idol claim at the Zero level elevation. The operations of the 4-machine drill carriage and Butler loader in the 875 level drain tunnel have resulted in a satisfactory increase in footage advance. Mill operations during October were normal and satisfactory. Two ban mills were relined ; repairs on the Sheridan grizzly were completed, and the new ore feeder chute is in use. Extraction improved to 88 % but the overall tailings are still a little high owing to experiments now being made in connection with fine grinding. The old sheave wheels from the main headframe are being installed in the Sesame shaft headrame. The 50C aerial tram is now in use, while three new 23,000-volt transformers have been installed and the hydro No. 3 power line repaired with heavier wire. The second new bunkhouse has been completed. Mining and milling costs are satisfactorily low, a11d capital invest~nt charges for the month have been decreased considerably. E. W. Lasher has recently joined the staff as mine shift boss. SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Suyoc Consolidated treated 6,389 tons of ore in October, from which Pl 28,010. 07 was recovered. Capital develop:.. ment amounted to 827 feet, and operating development was 719 feet. Mine operations durin'g October pro-· ceeded without serious interruption, although early in the month a breakdown in the ball mill resulted in low tonnage for several days. The grade of ore mined during the month was slightly lower than that of September, but total production is normal. Development work on the 2000 level '1 progressed very; satisfactorily, ' good footage being obtained in the 2001 (Please turn to page 2) SUYOC (Continued from page 1) counterdrive and in the 22 crosscut east to the vein structures. Several parallel quartz features have already been cut, and although it is too early to predict the final outcome of development on this level, work to \ate indicates that the vein formations htend to the 2000 level. On the 1800 level development of the 102 vein indicates a wider width of ore than on other levels. This improvement is distinctly encouraging. Development work on the 1600, 1500, and 1400 level in the northern part of the mine continues to be encouraging. Although vein formations developed in this area of the mine are narrow, the values are fairly good. Milling operations were interrupted during the first part of the month because of a breakdown in No. 1 ball mill. The drop in tonnage which resulted was made up during the latter part of the month so that the final tonnage was normal. No difficulties were experienced during the month with respect to milling operations or extraction. During the month school facilities were made available for staff children. At present there are 9 children of school age at Suyoc and at Palidan Suyoc. UNITED PARA CALE MINING COMPANY 1'roduction at United Paracale for October was P200,081.70, from 7,962 tons treated. Head values average P25.34 per ton, with a recovered value of P22.52, giving an extraction of 89.4 7o. Of the total output, P2,683.80 resu1ted from the treatment of 142 tons of ore from the Rocky Mt .. Fraction of Northern Mining & Devel. Co. This figure gave the company a new. monthly record for the fifth consecutive month. Total development footage was 1,486 feet, of which. 993 feet were in capital and 493 feet in operating development. The assembly of Allen Diesel No. 7 was completed, and after several satisfactory trial runs, the engine was put into regular operation. The No. 2 Bolinder compressor at Longos was completely overhauled, aft-er which the Hollman portable compressor was overhauled and moved to the Kalaw No. 4 tunnel where it is now in 2 operation. Construction, of the new landing wharf and of the new bridge across the Paracale River was started the first of the month, and both jobs are now nearing completion. SAN MAURICIO MINING COMP ANY During October the plant treated 5,250 tons of ore from which P119)13.75 was extraction, the average extraction being 91 % . Average mill heads were P24.49 per ton while the tailings average P2.11 a ton. Production was curtailed somewhat as a result of a severe rain storm which hit the district on October 12, and continued through the 13th, and 14th. During this story 36 inches of rain fell, and the heavy flow of water from the surface shut the mines down for 2-1/2 days. Extensive shaft repairs hindered hoisting on October 6 and 7. Pumps have been installed on the 200 level that will handle 2400 gallons per minute. Development work at the San Mauricio, Santa Monica, and Santa Ana mines amounted to 1,307 feet, of which 386 feet was in ore and 921 feet in waste. The shaft station on the 500 level of the main shaft has been completed, with the station sets installed, and a cage is now being used in one compartment of the shaft. Work has been started on the changing of hoisting from the San Mauricio shaft to the main shaft. Allen Diesel engine No. 4 is now in operation. The Santa Ana shaft has reached a depth of 261 feet. A vein 9 feet wide was cut 233 feet below the collar. Good results are being obtained on the Tacoma No. 1, Tacoma No. 2, and Tacoma No. 3 veins on the 200 level. These veins are narrow but of good grade. UNION MINES, INC. Good progress was made at Union Mines during October in trail cutting and in open cut work which is being conducted for the prospecting of this group. Several outcrop formations were uncovered during this work. Doghole crosscuts will be started in the near future to investigate some of the outcrops which have been exposed. A short inexpensive waterline has been installed for furnishing water to the camp. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1937