G.A. Van Steenbergen


Part of The Marsman Magazine

G.A. Van Steenbergen
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 5) November 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A tragic shock to the Marsman organization was the death of G. A. Van Steenbergen in an airplane accident at Palembang, Sumatra on October 6. M~ Van Steenbergen, managing director of the N. V. Mtjnbouw Technisch Bureau Marsman, was on his way to London to join Mr. Marsman at the time of the accident. Mr. Van Steenbergen was born at Steenwijk, in Holland. After finishing his technical studies as a civil engineer, he entered government service in Holland, in which he remained for a short time. Soon afterwards he joined the technical staff of the Netherlands Harbour Works Company. He was sent in 1925 by that company to China, where he worked at Hongkong, Tientsin, and Hulatao. In 1935 he opened an office in Hongkong under his own name as consulting engineer. In 1936 Mr. Van Steenbergen joined the staff of Marsman Investments Limited. He was sent to the Netherlands 6 East Indies in October, 1936, to investigate the possibilities of mining in that country. The preliminary investigations of Mr. Van Steenbergen resulted in the sending of a staff of engineers from Manila to the N. E. I., and in the conducting of extensive exploration work which is still going on. After an agreement between the Algemeen Exploratie and Marsman Investments Limited had been signed in Amsterdam, the N. V. Mijnbouw Technisch Bureau Marsman was formed during the visit of Mr. Marsman to the N. E. I. some months ago. This company, of which Mr. Van Steenbergen was the managing director, is to represent the interests of Marsman Investments Limited in the N. E. I. Mr. Van Steenbergen visited Manila several times, and accompanied Mr. Marsman on his return trip in June. He was well-liked by all who knew him, and the entire organization joins in expressing sincere sympathy to his widow and family. \ THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1937