Gumaos Goldfields, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Gumaos Goldfields, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 5) November 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GUMAOS GOLDFIELDS INC. Development footage during October was 277 feet, while 106 feet of assessment work were completed. The average number of men employed during the month was 120, and conditions throughout the camp continued to be good. The main drift south in tunnel No. 3 was advanced 85 feet along the vein, with an average width of 24 inches. The crosscut east was driven 9 feet in granite, while the crosscut west was driven 13 feet, cutting through the dike and into the granite. In tunnel No. 4 crosscut east was advanced 57 feet through granite, and one stringer was cut. The crosscut east in tunnel No. 6 was advanced 73 feet in the granite, and two stringers were cut. The shaft was sunk 40 feet, making a total depth of 101 feet. Shaft work was stopped for 5 days during the middle of the month because of pump trouble. Diamond drill hole No. 12 was advanced 324 feet, the hole being stopped at 653 feet. Sludge samples did not assay, but core samples at 128 to 131 feet below the collar gave good vaMARSMAN HONGKONG CHINA LTD. A third gcdown has been built by Concrete Products Limited, a subsidiary to J\Iarsman Hongkong China, and put into service. This godj. wn was ordered by the Wharf & Godorm Company of Hongkong, after the completion of the project described in the October Marsman Magazine. It is, 440 feet long and 60 feet wide, built of 9-inch concrete block walls, and is 15 feet high with a 6-inch concrete floor, steel windows, sliding doors, and in general the same construction as that of the two first built. Th~ roof trusses were des·gned and built in such a manner that they can transmit stresses set up in the long-walls from a typhoon wind of 160 miles an hour. This godown was put into use on the 19th day after receiving the 1 order, which is a slightly better building speed, size for size, than for the first godowns built by the company. Several other building jobs are in hand by Marsman Hongkong China. lues. The shaft headframe was completed and is in use. D. MORGAN REES & SONS LTD. GROVE WORKS. WHITCHURCH. CARDIFF. MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS for MINING, LOGGING, OVERHEAD ROPEWAYS, .SUSPENSION BRIDGES, SHIPPING, ENGINEERING, OIL WELLS, STEAM TRAWLERS, · STEAM PLOUGHING, AIRCRAFT, ere. Also manufacturers of the Highest Grade of Wire, including Special Improved and Best Plough, Improved and Best Patent Steel, Bright, Galvanized and Rust-Resisting. Contractors to the ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, AIR MINISTRY, COLONIAL OFFICE, etc. Head Office: Cardiff: Telephone Whitchurch 770. London Office: 34/35 Norfolk Street, W. C. 2. Telephone: Temple Bar 8871. Telegram: 0 Nurope-Car,diff''. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1937 7