Acoje Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Acoje Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 5) November 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ACOJE MINING COMP ANY Tonnage mined during October was considerably higher than in past months, and a total of 4,778 tons of ore were delivered to th\ pier. It is planned that by Novem\er 6,000 tons of ore a month will be mined and delivered to the pier. This increased program has been started in order to take advantage of favorable weather conditions during the coming dry season. No shipments of ore were made to the United States during October, but it is expected that some 6,000 tons will be shipped in November. Mining operations during the month were carried on at the No. 1 and No. 2 lenses. The new lower bench on No. 2 lens indicates that the depth of this lens is somewhat greater than originally estimated. Construction and surfacing Qf the road from No. 1 lens to No. 4 lens was pushed during October, and the road was expected to be ready for use by the first of November. Preparatory stripping operations and construction of the loading platform at No. 4 lens is well under way, and mining of this lens will probably be started around the middle'.:Jf November. The pier ore bins are practically completed, with the exception of a few ' minor details, and on October 31 ore stored at the pier was between 9,000 and 10,000 tons. ~A rock crusher unit for furnishing gravel for the road was put into operation during October, and is now furnishing a good grade of crushed limestone for top dressing purposes. The condition of the road has been improved materially during the past few weeks because of better weather conditions and because of the intensive surfacing and repair campaign which has been conducted. Installation of the Diesel lighting unit and of shop machinery is well under way. The assay office and equipment are nearly ready for use. 8 P ALIDAN SUYOC DEEP LEVEL TUNNEL COMP ANY The advance during October at Palidan Suyoc was 1,188 feet, and the face was in 7,094 feet from the portal on November 1. Operations were stopped on October 1, 2, and 3 because of the death of M. H. Walser, one of the staff members. Formations cut during the month consisted of gyp andesite and monzonite porphyry. No vein formations of consequence were cut. Both of the formations cut showed considerable faulting and movement. Very little water was encountered during the month, but the nature of the ground made considerable timbering necessary. It is expected that sometime during November the tunnel will pass into the property of Suyoc Consolidated. PARACALE NATIONAL GOLD MINING COMP ANY During October sinking operations were resumed in the shaft upon the completion of the compressor installation. One sponge pump is sufficient at the present to keep the shaft clear of water. Heavy jackhammers are in operation for drilling, and hoisting is performed by a tugger air host. The shaft has now reached a depth of 85 , feet. The headframe is now in use, compressor units are operating satisfactorily, and the electric light plant has been installed and is ready for operation. The road has been completely ballasted, and a garage accommodating three automobiles has been finished. A small bodega for the storage of gasoline and oils was constructed and is in use. All necessary supplies are on hand, and all equipment is in operation. Work is being concentrated on shaft sinking, and all operations are proceeding normally. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1937