Burgess baby


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Burgess baby
The Marsman Magazine Volume ll (No. 5) November 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
FORSTER-HUNTER Miss Joan Forster, of Melbourne, Australia, became the bride of John Hunter, assistant treasurer of the Marsman organization, on Saturday, October 23, at a quiet wedding held at the Cathedral of St. J)fary and St. John in Manila. Attendants were Mrs. Keith Hubbard and Alexander Hunter, while a few close friends of the couple were present. A reception was held at 3996 Taft Avenue after the ceremony, and the couple then went to Baguio for their honeymoon. They now make their home at 99 San Juan St., Pasay. DOORNBOSCH LEAVES Hendrik Doornbosch, assistant to Mr. R. K. Robertson, representative of W .. H. Allen & Sons in the Philippines, has gone to England for two years training in the Allen plant at Bedford. BURGESS BABY A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burgess on Sunday, October 17, in Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Burgess is the niece of Mrs. Marsman ; she will return to Manila with her baby early next year. Mr. Burgess is assistant to Mr. Wing and to Mr. Dankwerth in the Manila office. P ATCO Completes 4 Years Regular Service to Baguio Four years of continuous daily scheduled operation between Manila and Baguio were successfully completed by the Philippine Aerial Taxi Company on Sunday, September 19, with a rating of 98-1/2 % efficiency. Year-round daily flights were started September 2, 1933, and of the 1,461 scheduled mail trips since that time only 19, or less than 11/2 % had to be cancelled. DFC Laboratory Crusher A brute fo:r punishment. A glutton for work. Main frame is cast in one piece, no bolts or nuts to work loose. Jaws are reversible, doubling their service. Size of grind is easily adjus~ table. Crusher is so easy to clean there's no danger of salting. Motor is pivoted to frame, holding V-belt drive to correct tension always. Made in two sizes; flat or V-belt drive; with 01· without motor. Marsman & Company, Inc. Exclusive Philippine Distributor. Denver, Colo. U.S.A. 'DIIE bJEJllRR fllRlE CJLAT CoMPAllT • • 18 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November, 1937