Peace impossible in China


Part of The Philippine Gazette

Peace impossible in China
Civil war
Negotiation -- International cooperation
Conflict management -- International cooperation
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
I • LAUNDRY • ALTERATIONS CHAN'S CLEANERS 1019 4th STREET SACRAMENTO • CLEANING • PRESSING · YEE .PHARMACY Prescriptirm1 CnrtfuflJ' CompG undtd DRUGS, PERFUMES. FILMS • PHONE 3-'1'195' I 008 6th .. S~roel Sacramento I Expert Venetian Blind Laundry COMP! ETE BLIND LAU"IDERED 1219 s-nd Street Phone 2°1275 filew Tapes and Cards Painting ond Repairing Jomes P. Marlin-A. J. Milbourne Will Pid·Up and Deliver ,.,_ Z-1215 24-Hoer Semce Fresh Bait Daily Fishing Tackle PETRAS I HARRIS 1219 3RD STREET SACRAMENTO ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Those Who Wont the Bestl Quick Service and Reasonable Prices Hove Your Shoes Holl Soled Tt~r.r:~~o~".!~:1!:1 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO CORREGIDOR CLEANERS Mr. I Mn. H. L. Williams Phone z.7034 1124 FOURTH STREET Sacramento,. Califoraia Tl iE PHILIPPINES BEGINS RATIONING OF RICE MANILA, Aug. I-Rice rationing in the Philippines went into effect today, ~s a result of the heavy crop losses in C'c~·tral Luzon caused by pca:ant uprising. There will be some hardships in central Luzon this winter as the rice destroyed is estimated at 19,000,000 sades, but other provinces in the Visayans and the Mindanao section will upset the losses as th: report indicates that heavy crops are experted in those areas. The shortage of ,~·ork animals, killed during the war, contributed to the economic dislocations. Pr-ACE "IMPOSSIBLE" IN CHINA NANKING, Aug. 11-Gene~al MarEhall and Dr. John Leighton Stuart, J'-merican ambassador, pointed out in an unprt'ttndented statement that peace apreared "h1possible", because the governrent and the communists disagreed on the fundamental issues of the· makeup of th~ local regimes. General Marshall is the personal en· VO'' nf the President of the United States Pf'ld Dr. Stuart is a missionary in China. Poth General Marshall and Dr. Stuart a7e putting up a restraining influence in preventing a civil war. In the last few weeks the effectiveness of their Influence was lost • • • for both sides are attacking. SAFEWAY TAILORS ALTERATIONS, CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS MADE TO ORDER F. C. Canson and Soos We Call and Deliver Phone 3-0852 429 L STREET, SACRAMENTO 14 Geo. N. Hammond · Typewriter Co. 623 J STREET SACRAMENTO DIA( 4-0678