Gold Production sets new records


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Gold Production sets new records
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 6) December 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE December 1937 SMAN Vol. II No. 6 MAGAZINE GOLD PRODUCTION S.ETS NEW RECORDS Gold production from the four Marsman-managed properties reached the highest total of the year in November, with an output of 1'824,597.74 from 51,237 tons treated. Both gold output and tonnage treated showed good gains over October. United Paracale set a new monthly production record for the sixth consecutive month; San Mauricio recorded a substantial gain over the preceding month, while ltogon and Suyoc were slightly under the October figures. A new operating agreement, with Northern Mining & Development Co., was a feature of the month under review. The bringing of Acoje into regular production of chromite ore was another advance in the work of the organization 'ln the development of the mineral resources of the Philippines. Excellent progress iuas made upon the installation of equipment on the two new dredgers for Coco Grove, in spite of.. eonsiderable delay caused by the typhoon of November 15 during which two lighters carrying equipment for the dredges capsized almost alongside piers 4 and 5 in Manila. THE MARSMANS RETURN FROM EUROPE Mr. and Mrs. Marsman, Miss Anne Petronella, and Miss Jacqueline Carpenter returned from Europe on December 7, on. the Scharnhorst. The party was accompanied by Mr. Kerr, of the board of consulting engineers. Mrs. Marsman and the two little girls had been in England for about a year, while Mr. Marsman and Mr. Kerr left Manila in September for a speedy business trip abroad. Mr. G. B. Gifford Hull, general manager of Marsman Hongkong China~ with Mrs. Hull and their daughter, met the Marsman party in Singapore and returned with them to Manila. The Hull family continued on to Hongkong on the Scharnhorst. On his return Mr. Marsman announced the formation of a company in Holland, with a capital of 2,000,000 guilders, for the purpose of carrying on mining activities in the Dutch East Indies. An iron property in Borneo, a gold prospect in Sumatra, and copper deposits in the Celebes were optioned by the Marsman interests during the past few weeks, Mr. Marsman reported. Many members of the Marsman organization went to Pier 7 to meet the travellers, and later attended a welcome party at the University Club, given in honor of the Marsman party and ·of lVIr. and ··Mrs. Gustav Otto.