Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 6) December 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMP ANY During November the Itogon plant treated exactly 30,000 tons of ore from which P339,019.97 was recovered. Capital development totalled 2,598 feet, of which 841 feet were in ore and 1, 757 feet in waste. The operating development amounted to 1,681 feet, of which 1,194 feet were in ore and 487 feet in waste. ·Mining operations were normal, and despite the interruptions of Thanksgiving Day and other holidays, the daily average output of 1,000 tons was easily maintained altho the grade for the period was somewhat lower with similar outlook during the near future. The Ruston double-drum hoist formerly used on the old 1400 level aerial tramway has now been reinstalled near the main hoist, where it greatly speeds up the delivery of ore from the Frog tunnel, and the Zero and 300 Level Sesa~e. Mill operations were normal, maJor repairs being confined to the relining of No. 6 primary ball mill. Higher mill tails than usual were caused by the liming up of filter leaves due to a shortage of commercial hydrochloric acid, and by sliming in the thickeners. A new 2000-ampere ,switch and three 250 KV A transformer which were connected with Baguio Hydro No. 3 were installed by the power department. Operating costs continue to remain satisfactorily low, while capital investment charges are still decreasing. Construction work has ceased with the re-installation of the Ruston hoist and the building of two small barrio houses which were completed during the month. Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in the usual manner by holding a sports meeting and dinner for employees followed by a dance rn the evening. W. J. Pearson joined the staff as drain tunnel foreman. PARACALE NATIONAL GOLD MINING COMPANY The shaft is now 112 feet deep, at Paracale National, and one set bearing timbers was placed at 92 feet. The dynamite bodega was completed and is in use. Conditions in general were normal, and the work is progressing as planned. 2 SUYOC CONSOLIDATED. MINING COMPANY Production during November was Pl19,972.91, from 6,266 tons of ore treated in the Suyoc plant. Total development work amounted to 1,530 feet, of which 785 was operating and 7 45 feet capital development. Development work on the 1800 and 2000 levels appears quite promising, with the cutting of a heretofore unknown hanging wall feature on th~ 1800 level which has prospective value, and the cutting of a footwall feature on the 2000 level which seems to be beyond the present limits of operation. It is too early, however, to make any predictions regarding the outcome of the new findings. Work on the upper levels continues to open up limited quantities of good quality ore. Operations for the month were quite normal with a slightly higher tonnage than d~ring previous months. Milling results were quite satisfactory with average tails and average extraction. SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY November production at San Mauricio was P163,941.25, from 7,221 tons of ore treated. Tonnage handled was a new monthly record for the property. Average recovery was P22.69 per ton, while average extraction was 94 'lo. Development work at the San Mauricio, Sta. Monica, and Sta; Ana mines totalled 1,533 feet, of which 437 feet were in ore and 1,096 in waste. The shaft station and crosscut has been completed on the 500 level of the main shaft and part of the tonnage is now being hoisted through this shaft. Full production will be through this shaft early in December. The Santa Ana shaft has reached a depth of 300 feet, and the station on · this level is being cut. Tacoma veins No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 continue to show good results. Work is being started on these veins on the 300 level. _ All footings for the steel headframe over the main shaft have been complet~d. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for Decerttber, .1937