Rio Verde lode progress


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Rio Verde lode progress
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XVII (Issue No.4) April 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
34 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL April, 1937 Rio Verde Lode Progress J. M. Crawford of Rio Verde, Inc. reports as of February that W. W. Lowry’s findings for Developments, Inc. substantiate favorable reports on the property by Rio Verde’s own engineer­ ing staff and also James Hopkins: “From Vein No. 1 he took sixteen samples which averaged $13.04 in value, List of Licensed Mining Engineers in the Philippines License No. Name Address 1 Victor Elicano............................ Consolidated Mines, Inc. 2 Leopoldo A. Faustino................(Deceased) 3 Antonio Alvir............................. Consulting Engineer, Manila 4 Ernesto G. Bengson...................Bureau of Science, Baguio 5 James S. Colbath.......................(Not in P. I.) 6 Thomas F. Breslin.....................Crystal Arcade, Manila 7 Ramon Abarques........................Bureau of Science, Manila 8 Leopoldo F. Abad...................... Bureau of Science, Manila 9 Victor E. Lednicky.................... Mineral Resources, Inc. 10 Quirico A. Abadilla....................Director, Bureau of Mines 11 Wm. G. Carpenter.....................Rio Guinobatan, Masbatc 12 John 0. Enberg..........................Marsman & Co., Manila 13 George T. Geringer....................Consulting Engineer, Manila 14 Tatsuya Uewaki......................... 54 Balmes St., Manila 15 Arthur Icard Reynolds..............Baguio 16 Harry W. Evans........................Not in P. I. 17 James Owen Grecnan................Marsman & Co., Manila 18. Alfred F. Duggleby...................Benguet Cons. Mining Co. 19 James B. Stapler........................ Marsman & Co. 20 AJf Welhaven...............................Marsman & Co. 21 James E. Moore.........................Not in P. I. 22 Enrique Ostrca........................... Bureau of Science, Manila 23 George O. Scarfe.........................Consolidated Mines, Inc. 24 Robert Burns Mahan................Not in P. 1. 25 Santos C. Murillo.......................Lone Star Mining Co. 26 Francisco G. Joaquin.................Macawiwili Mining Co. 27 Joseph H. Sampson...................Antamok Goldfields 28 Bernarao R. Cuesta...................P. O. Box 210, Baguio 29 Pedro D. Aguinaldo...................Liguan Coal Mines, Albay 30 Warren T. Graham....................Baguio Gold, Baguio 31 James E. Atkinson.....................Marsman & Co., Manila 32 Muri R. Schrock........................ Marsman & Co., Paracale 33 Abot H. Shoemaker................... Elizalde Mining Interests 34 Luis B. Montero.........................Paracale Dev. Co., Paracale 35 Nestorio N. Lim.........................Kalinga Goldfields Mining Ass. 36 Milton Sutherland......................Philippine Engineering 37 R. D. Winne...............................Agusan Gold Mining Co. 38 George T. Scholcy, Jr............... Nielson & Co., Manila 39 Weaver A. Solomon...................Manila & Box 131, Baguio 40 Adalbert A. Friedman............... Masbatc Cons. Mining Co. 41 John B. Knaebcl.........................East Mindanao Mining Co., Inc. 42 Francis B. Morehouse...............Big Wedge Mining Co. 43 Luther W. Lenox.......................Benguet Cons. Mining Co. 44 George H. Newman..................P. O. Box 18, Baguio 45 Gerald C. Worthington.............P. O. Box 817, Manila 46 Robert L. Loofbourow...............Baguio, Box 249 47 Everett D. Spaulding.................Baguio, Box 192 48 Frederick MacCoy......................Nat. City Bank Bldg., Manila 49 Donald de Cou Smythe............Marsman & Co., Paracale 50 Raymond A: Lindblom............. Soriano Bldg., Manila 51 Victor A. Light...........................P. O. Box 10, Baguio 52 William J. Millard.....................1145 Pennsylvania, Manila 53 James Hopkins........................... P. O. Box 817, Manila 54 Vivian V. Clark......................... 510 PNB Bldg., Manila 55 Walter E. Heinrichs.................. P. O. Box 249, Baguio 56 Lawrence W. Buchanan............Marsman & Co., Baguio 57 Folke Kihlstcdt...........................P. O. Box 626, Manila 58 John Edward Fyfe.....................Paracale, Camarines Norte 59 Churchill G. Scott.....................Marsman & Co., Manila 60 Franklin E. Johnson................. Lagaiigilang, Abra 61 George A. Broomell.................. Balete, Masbatc 62 Russel Yale Hanlon...................P. O. Box 410, Manila 63 Daniel Worth Butner................ P. O. Box 249, Baguio (all values herein aie at the old price of gold). The average width of this vein was 5 feet three inches, and the length exposed and sampled was 16 ft. “From dump and trenches, nine samples averaging $4.98 were taken. “From exposure No. 3, seven samples average value $3.29; width of the vein four feet three inches. The vein was exposed from length of 12 ft. “From Barite Vein, twenty samples average value $5.30; width of vein four feet four inches. Sample length of vein exposed was 76 ft. “From other exposures on this group of claims Mr. Lowry took seventeen samples, all of which showed positive value excepting one sample and three samples which showed only traces of gold. “From the total of seventy samples submitted, values were obtained ranging from a trace to $78.54. All samples carried positive values excepting one which was nil and eight which carried traces. “Mr. Lowry’s general comments on the group of claims was most favorable. He also was favorably impressed with our other lode properties which he visited. “Group 2, of lode claims, consisting of three claims—The operating contract on this property reported on at the last meeting has not been executed. Delay is due to the fact that two of the con­ tracting parties are out of Manila, one in Iloilo and one in Mindanao. These parties are both expected in Manila during March when we expect to com­ plete the contract. “Group 3. An American prospector is working on these claims and favorable results are being obtain'd. “This group looks very promising. “Group 4- Operating contract on this group is pending. “Groups 5 and 6. Little work has been done on these groups. We have had definite offers from a reliable com­ pany to take these groups over on a development and operating contract. We feel that at present we should hold these claims and await results of devel­ opment of Groups 3 and I. Since our last meeting a favorable contract has been signed for development and opera­ tion of Group III with Mine Operations, Inc. This company is now installing an assay office, together with other equipment necessary for active devel­ opment of the property. “We arc well pleased with the ag­ gressiveness with which Mine Opera­ tions, Inc. plans to carry on their work. Mr. Lowry has been assigned by Devel­ opments, Inc. to be in active charge of this development for Mine Operations, Inc.”