United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume II (No. 6) December 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNITED P ARACALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 7750 tons of ore during November, from which P201,693.61 was recovered. Head values averaged P30 per ton, with a recovered value of P28, giving an extraction of 95 % . Of the total production, P2, 785.68 resulted from the treatment of 159 tons of ore from the Rocky Mountain Fraction of the Northern Mining and Development Company. The output was an all-time high for the sixth consecutive month. Total development footage was l,4'l0 feet, of which 1,090 feet were in capital and 380 feet in operating development. Two new 3-inch Wilfley Sand Pumps were installed in the mill after which the No. 2 wet elevator was dismantled. Two new 56-inch Fagergren flotation machines were installed with the exception of the motors which were expected momentarily. The No. 2 P.O.C. compressor was removed from the main power house and installed at Longos, after which the two small Bolinder compressors were removed from the Longos power house and installed at Haliguing Bato. All timber work on the landing wharf and on the new bridge across the Paracale River has been completE:d. HowPALIDAN SUYOC DEEP LEVEL TUNNEL COMP ANY During November an advance of 1,265 feet was made, which brought the face 8,359 feet from the portal on December 1. This advance was normal in spite of unusual delays and loss of time resulting from maintenance of equipment and a national holiday. Several significant faults were traversed during the month, although no marked change of ground has been encountered. A slight increase m silica content and a corresponding decrease in the gypsum content of the formation is noticeable. Because of a lack of rainfall this year, a shortage of water is being felt .at the tunnel site. Commonwealth Day was celebrated on November 15 by the employees and staff of the company with competitive drilling, and mucking contests, boxing bouts, races and games with the Suyoc Consolidated men. The contests were followed by a dinner and public dance. The Tunnel was visited during the month by A. G. Bellis, B. S. Ohnick~ A. F. Kelly, and R. W. Crosby. ever, the approaches, which are being built with excess mine waste, remain to be filled. ACOJE MINING COl\'lP ANY November marked the first large shipments of chromite ore from Acoje. On November 29, 6500 tons were shipped on the S. S. Wichita, while on October 31 a shipment of 1125 tons was made--a total of 7625 tons during the period. The dispat:ching of this large quantity of ore has considerably relieved the congestion of ore at the pier bins, and will thus make it possible to deliver more ore from the mine. Mining operations during the month were conducted on the No. 1 and No. 2 lenses. A small amount of mining was perf armed on No. 4 lens. Construction of loading platforms and preliminary clearing operations on the No. 4 lens progressed quite well during the month. The road from the 4 No. 1 lens to the No. 4 lens was likewise completed and put into operation. Road conditions from the mine camp to the provincial road improved considerably during the month, most improvement taking place along those sections where crushed limerock has been used for top surfacing. The installation of a Diesel lighting unit and shop machinery was completed during the month. The D_iesel ·lighting equipment will be used for furnishing lights for the camp and also for supplying power for the assay. office and shop. Mining is now progressing at the rate of about 150 tons a day. Since work on the roads is well along, it has been possible to reduee · the , maintenance force. - THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for December, .1937