Rail commodity movements


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Rail commodity movements
Lazaga, Leon M.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XVIII (Issue No.3) March 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
48 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL March. 19 38 Markets, Markets ... (Continued from page 1,2) ter product, paying duty, yet at a lower price. This shows the unorganized state of the abaca novelty industry here. Time was when hand embroidery was equally un­ organized, yet this was overcome long ago. When the right man comes along, the abacA novelty industry will be thoroughly organ­ ized and the trade will soar to a value of millions of pesos a year. Trick of it is piecework, to get one vil­ lage to make uppers, others to make soles, others to dye fiber, others to prepare fiber; and to have a general grading and assem­ bling plant either at Naga, Legaspi, or Manila as conditions advise. The same capital, successful with abaca, would prob­ ably branch to coir and shell. This is not recommended to the government, but to private enterprise. That is about all there is to the picture, as we see it. No great flights, but some potentially worthwhile low-soaring; and first ships, then ambitious industry, until which time mainly the factories of other oriental capital may be expected to rise here, with ships at their call, and the Com­ monwealth may be expected to rernai i dominantly agricultural. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SUBSCRIBE For Your FAVORITE MAGAZINES Thru The UNION CIRCULATION CORPORATION 217 Dasmarinas Tel. 4-87-50 CO-OPERATION—SERVICE­ ECONOMY ff « j» CHINA BANKING CORPORATION MANILA, P. 1. Domestic and Foreign Banking of Every Description P.O. Box 1394 Telephone 2-20-70 J. A. STIVER Attorney-At-Law—Notary Public Certified Public Accountant Administration of Estates Receiverships Investments Collections Income Tax 121 Real, Intramuros Manila, P. I. Philippines Cold Stores Wholesale and Retail Dealers in American and Australian Refrigerated Produce STORES AND OFFICES Calle Echague Manila. P. I. AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL P. O. Box 1638 —Manila— 180 David RATES Philippines - P4.00 per year United States - - $2.00 " Foreign Countries - $3.00 - IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL