

Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Nichols, W. J.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXV (Issue No.10) October 1949
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 441 Electric Power Production Manila Electric Company System J. F. Cotton Treasurer,. Manila Electric Company 1949 1948 January......................... 33 745 000 27 301 000 February....................... 31 110 000 26 021 000 March............................. 34 776 000 26 951 000 * April.............................. 33 048 000 26 871 000 L O May................................ 34 453 000 28 294 000 w June............................... 34 486 000 29 216 090 £ July................................ 35 726 000 31 143 000 T August........................... 35 394 000* 31 993 000 September...................... 35 790 000** 32 012 000 October.......................... 33 943 000 R November...................... 32 661 000 O U December....................... 35 104 000 R ___________ S TOTAL ........................... 361 510 000 • Revised •• Partially estimated Output in September set a new record by a small margin. There was an increase of 3,788,000 kwh, or 11.8r< over September, 1948. The rate of increase during the first 9 months of 1949 has been considerably less than in the same period of 1948. In September, 1948, ouput was 17% over the preceding January, whereas in 1949, Sept­ ember was only 6% above January. It begins to ap­ pear evident that the future rate of increase in out­ put will continue to be moderate. It should be borne in mind that there is still a power shortage which will continue until the new 50,000 kw Rockwell Station is completed toward the end of 1950. During the latter half of September it was necessary to cut one or two circuits nightly be­ cause of overload. Unless there is voluntary ration­ ing of electricity during the hours of 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. it will be necessary to cut some circuits every night. Real Estate By C. M. Hoskins (0/ C. M. Hoskins & Co., Inc., Realtors) PURCHASES of real estate in Manila totalled P3,668,662 during the month of September, as compared with P2,228,597 for August. Mort­ gages recorded in September aggregated P5,094,415, compared with P4,924,841 for July. Cumulative totals of sales for the first 9 months from 1946 were as follows: January-September 1946 P32,625,806 1947 54,793,978 1948 44,015,210 1949 28,975,426 Sales in the suburbs recorded in September were 1*3,786,671, slightly higher than the Manila figures for the same month. Quezon City accounted for TYPING EIGHT HOURS A DAY IS NEVER FUN. . . GIVE HER A BREAK, AND INSURE TOP PRODUCTION AT MINIMUM COST AND TIME . . . SMART EXECUTIVES INSIST ON REMINGTON RAND KMC TYPEWRITERS, THE FIRST NAME IN THE BUSINESS WORLD FOR THE PAST 76 YEARS. . . ORDER ONE TOD AY... I TAYLOR PACIFIC (Phil ) LTD ATKINS KROLL I CO.. I NC .-Gen.Mgrs. 124 MYERS BLDG.,PORT AREA’Tel.2-94-67