

Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Fischer, Herbert
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXV (Issue No.10) October 1949
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October, 1949 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 455 It is out of the question, however, to encourage our farmers to produce Virginia tobacco instead of native in quantity at once, for if it were produced in any volume, there would be no buyers prepared for it. The factories have first got to produce a good cigarette (even at a sacrifice), one which local smokers will indeed prefer to the imported type. All this would therefore involve a parallel process that would take time, but it would produce an im­ portant business and keep many millions of dollars from leaving the the country. Chemicals By Herbert Fischer Philippine American Drag Company (Botica Boie) IMPORTS of chemicals into the Philippines have reached a level which is being steadily held, in­ dicating that the supply is meeting the demand and that consumers are buying by the week or month instead of stocking up months in advance to be as­ sured of a sufficient supply. Increased sales in certain items have offset de­ creases in others which were subject to speculation. Philippine industry, which is the heaviest direct con­ sumer of chemicals, demands a certain flow of im­ ports and this flow will increase with the develop­ ment of local industry. The present import control over luxury items which restricts the import of ready­ made preparations, will act an incentive toward the1 establishment ■ of new industries, though some restricted items, well and favorably known, will con­ tinue in demand. Some of the largest American soap, dentrifice, cosmetic, and perfume manufacturers are reported to be preparing to manufacture locally, and while they will no doubt import most of their raw materials and their containers, they will certainly purchase some of their raw materials, such as alcohol, here. Ultimate­ ly, most of the containers, — bottles, cardboard boxes, and labels may also be made here. It is too early to make any definite statement with respect to the effect of the sterling devaluation on local prices of chemicals. There may or there may not be a shift to European suppliers, depending upon availability and prices. FOR RE-WIN DING OF GENERATORS—MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170-2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85 Buy COLLINS for your men, be­ cause COLLINS gets more done. It’s easier to handle. Better ba­ lance, longer-lasting edges speed work. Cane is cut quickly with a minimum effort. Top value for your money. COLLINS LOUISIANA PATTERN CANE KNIVES Stocks on hand for immediate delivery at all leading hardware stores Exclusive Agents for the Philippines CHAM SAMCO & SONS, Inc. I’. 0. Box 928 — 300-8 Sto. Cristo, Manila Tels. 2-81-72 & 2-81-76