The United States Embassy


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

The United States Embassy
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No.7) July 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The United States Embassy, Manila Mayflower Studio Photograph “Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam...” g g A PATRIOTIC American is a man who is not niggardly and selfish in the things that he enjoys and M X that make for human liberty and the rights of man. He wants to share them with the whole world, and he is never so proud of the great flag under which he lives as when it comes to mean to other people as well as to himself a symbol of hope and liberty. I would be ashamed of this flag if it did anything outside America that we would not permit it to do inside of America . . . * (dream is that as the years go on and the world knows more and more of America it will also drink at these fountains of youth and renewal; that it also will turn to America for those moral inspirations which lie at the basis of all freedom; that the world will never fear America unless it feels that it is engaged in some enterprise which is inconsistent with the rights of humanity; and that America will come into the full light of day when all shall know that she puts human rights above all other rights and that her flag is the flag not only of America but of humanity.” WOODROW WILSON “For thou [America] art founded in the eternal fact That every man doth greaten with the act Of freedom; and doth strengthen with the weight Of duty; and diviner moulds his fate, By sharp experience taught the thing he lacked.” From ‘‘MY COUNTRY” By George Edward Woodberry (1855-1930) 239