Cost of Living Index, 1946-1948 (table)


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Cost of Living Index, 1946-1948 (table)
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XXIV (Issue No.7) July 1948
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
268 AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL July, 1948 ★ LUZON STEVEDORING COMPANY, INC. MANILA ♦ Meralco Warns Public Recently a number of Manila Electric Com­ pany customers have been the victims of fraud. Payments for METERS and SERVICE CON­ NECTIONS have been exacted either by im­ postors or dishonest employees. The Company advises all customers that elec­ tric meters and service connections are fur­ nished without charge. All employees of the Company are provided with an identification card. When approached by any person claiming to be a Meralco em­ ployee, ask to see His Identification Card. Upon making any payment, demand a Com­ pany Receipt, showing the amount paid, signed by the employee making the collection. MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY 184 San Marcelino Tel. No. 6-75-31 COST OF LIVING INDEX OF WAGE EARNER’S FAMILY! IN MANILA BY MONTH. 1946-47 (1941 = 100) By the Bureau of the Census and Statistics 1946 All Items Food (.59.15') House Rent (8.43) Cloth­ ing (0.63) Fuel, Light and Water (13.94) Miscel­ laneous (17.86) January.. . 603.4 759 2 236 4 984.0 363.8 434 8 .1657 February.. 547 2 656 3 236 4 940.3 369.5 460.5 .1827 March. . . . 525 9 631 0 236 4 940 1 340.4 445.2 .1902 April......... 556 2 684.1 236 4 910 3 345.5 435.9 .1798 May........... 545.1 675 6 236.4 762.5 342.3 409.6 .1835 June.......... 538.7 666 4 236 4 737 9 343 3 404.2 .1856 July........... 552 7 704 3 236 4 598.9 341.3 364.6 .1809 August.. .. 477.9 590 0 236 4 384 7 320 9 346 3 .2092 September 477 9 591 3 236 4 378.7 314.5 347.2 .2092 October. .. 487.4 587 2 236 4 382.7 405 8 342.7 .2052 November.. 484 8 607 8 236.4 406.4 346.5 305.2 .2063 December. 461.9 570 8 236 4 371 9 344.7 302.1 .2165 19472 (100.00)(63 .43) (11.96) (2.04) (7.73) (14.84) January... 426.2 468 2 453.9 381.9 326.2 282 5 .2346 February... 418.5 454.9 453.9 356.2 344.8 281.4 .2389 March.. . . .406.8 440.1 453.9 295 2 334.7 279.4 .2458 April......... 387.7 413 3 453.9 269 2 328.9 271.6 .2579 May.......... 381 0 404.4 453 9 250 9 325.4 269 4 .2625 June.......... 386 3 414.4 453 9 236.8 316 6 268 6 .2589 July........... 393.4 426.8 453.9 217.7 309 3 269 9 .2542 August. . . 387.4 419.8 453.9 210.2 292.0 269.1 .2581 September 368.9 392.1 453.9 216.4 283.3 266.8 .2711 October... 358.7 376 3 453 9 212.7 280 5 267.7 .2788 November. 358.4 376.3 453.9 215 1 280.5 265.3 .2790' December. 371.9 395.8 453.9 219.1 298.2 262.9 .2689 1948 January... 391.2 428.3 453 9 224.5 304 6 249 9 .2556 February.. 368.5 392 0 453 9 223 8; 301 1 254.4 .2714 March.. . . 349.4 361 0 453 9 214.6> 308 1 255 9 .2862 April......... 356 1 374 1 453 9 209 4 289.7 254 8 .2808 May.......... 349.8 360 2 453 9 214 2 289.7 271.6 .2859 June.......... 354.1 364 9 453.9 205.5 283.6 263.1 .2825 1 Average number of persons in a family, 4.9 members. Wage P200.00 a month or less. 2 Revised in accordance with the new survey of the “ Levels of Living, in Manila” by the Department of Labor and the Bureau of the Census and Statistics conducted in December, 1946. The following weights were used in computing the “over-all” index: Foodstuffs — 63.43; House rent — 11.96; Clothing — 2.04; Fuel-light-water — 7.73; Preliminary and Miscellaneous — 14.84. FOR RE-WINDING OF GENERATORS — MOTORS CALL E. J. MORA ELECTRIC CO., INC. Address: 170-2 M. de Comillas Tel. 6-65-85